ARB Minutes – May 14, 2022

Village of Dering Harbor
Architectural Review Board
Meeting Minutes
May 14th, 2022, 9:00AM 

  • The meeting was called to order at 9:03am
  • Attendance- Susannah Rose (ARB chairperson), Mickey Kostow, Bridg Hunt, absent- Stephanie Deutsch, George Birman; Wayne Bruyn (village attorney). Vicki Shields (village clerk), Amy Thomas (Flynn Stenography), Annmarie Seddio, Jack Thielberg, Alfredo Paredes, Rob Ferris, Melinda Carroll.
  • A motion to accept the minutes from the March 4th meeting was made by Mickey and seconded by Bridg. All Board members present voted in favor.
  • Old Business
  1. Continuation of Public Hearing – Building Permit Application

Submitted by Annmarie Seddio (property owner)
SCTM# 701 – 1 – 3 – 21.1
Street Address: 2 Dering Woods Road, Dering Harbor

Building permit application for new construction of a 2-story dwelling, garage, and swimming pool.

Annmarie presented an example of the Enviro roofing material. She is also considering a product manufactured by Brava but they could not get her a sample in time for the meeting. Her hope is that this roofing material is seen as a good compromise between real cedar and an asphalt roof.  Mickey commented that it’s good to see the thickness and that it would cast a shadow. Susannah asked if it comes in different colors. Annmarie said it does. That it comes in a silver color, which is lighter than the sample they were able to send her.

No questions from the board.

Public Comments:

    • Alfredo Paredes agreed with Mickey about the shadow. He also said he thinks the color should match what can be found in the village.

Board comments:

    • Susannah read a letter that Stephanie Deutsch asked to be read. The letter was made part of the record.
    • Susannah read a letter that George Birman asked to be read. The letter was made part of the record.
    • Bridg said he is comfortable with the new material and the asphalt roof.
    • Mickey agreed with Bridg and thanked the applicant for working with the board.
    • Susannah said she agrees with Alfredo and thinks the lighter color would be a better choice. Mickey agreed.

After a discussion regarding the roofing material and asking the applicant to submit a specific sample of the color they are going to use, a motion to approve the following resolution was made by Susannah and seconded by Mickey. All 3 Board members present voted in favor, 3-0. Motion passed.

RESOLVED, that the application of the Annmarie Seddio Revocable Trust to construct a single family dwelling, with attached garage, roof deck, swimming pool, and patio on a 3.1016 acre parcel shown as Lot 2 on the filed Map of Dering Woods, as depicted on the plans and elevations prepared by August H. Muff, R.A., consisting of 5 sheets, last revised on 3/12/22 be and hereby are APPROVED, with the following conditions:

    • As presented by the applicant, the roofing material shall be a synthetic cedar shake in the color “silvered cedar” manufactured by Enviroshake. Applicant shall submit manufacturer’s specifications and a sample to the Building Inspector.
    • Applicant shall submit a revised survey based on the updated plans.
    • As per Section 230-65 G (1) of the village code, the applicant shall submit 3 original sets of the plans depicting all revisions and conditions herein for the chairperson’s signature.
  1. Tennis court fence material and specifications amending his building permit application previously approved on April 23rd, 2022.

Submitted by Yoshimi Kono (property owner)
SCTM# 701 – 1 – 3 – 16.3
Street Address: 3 Dering Woods Lane, Dering Harbor

Rob Ferris, as an ARB alternate, joined the board to hear this application.

There were no public comments.

Board comments:

    • Bridg, Mickey, and Rob all commented that they are comfortable with and in favor of the new fence material.

A motion to accept the tennis court  specifications as submitted was made by Mickey and seconded by Rob. All Board members present voted in favor, 4-0. Motion passed.

  • Next meeting date cannot happen on June 11th, 2022. A new meeting date would be chosen if a meeting was needed.
  • A motion to adjourn at 9:25am was made by Susannah and seconded by Rob. All Board members present voted in favor.