Architectural Review Board Agenda – January 14, 2023, at 9:00 AM

Village of Dering Harbor
Architectural Review Board
January 14th, 2023

I. Call the meeting to order
II. Attendance
III. Review and acceptance of minutes from the November 12th meeting.
IV. New Business

1. Public Hearing to Review a Building Permit Application
Submitted by Emily Guertin, Gregory Lombardi Design (owner’s agent)
Property owners- Kenneth G Tropin Revocable Trust, Nicholas J Tropin and Kelly Tropin 2003 Trust
SCTM# 701 – 1 – 1 – 25.1, 12, and 22
Street Address: 2, 3, and 4 Sylvester Road, Dering Harbor

Building permit applications for landscape improvements on (3) separate but
contiguous parcels, including planting, pathways, vegetable garden with fence,
and masonry moon gate sculpture.

V. Next meeting date- No February meeting scheduled, March date TBD
VI. Motion to adjourn