Village of Dering Harbor
Architectural Review Board
November 12th, 2022
I. Call the meeting to order
II. Attendance
III. Review and acceptance of minutes from the October 15th meeting.
IV. Old Business
1. Continuation of a Public Hearing to Review a Building Permit Application
Submitted by Dennis Corcoran (property owner)
Street Address: 22 Locust Point Road, Dering Harbor
SCTM# 701 – 1 – 3 – 14.2
Building permit application for new construction of a 2-story, single family dwelling with garage, swimming pool, patio, and pool house.
V. New Business
1. Pre submission conference requested by Kimberlea Rea on behalf of Ted and Debbie Nelson- 4 Dering Woods Road
2. Pre submission conference requested by Emily Guertin on behalf of Ken Tropin-2 and 4 Sylvester Road.
VI. Next meeting date- Sat, December 10th
VII. Motion to adjourn