Dear Village Residents,
Beginning the first week of April, and for several weeks that follow, the Suffolk County Water Authority will install water meters for all residential properties in the Village. Meters will not be installed at undeveloped properties. The SCWA crews will dig a pit approximately two feet in diameter along the edge of the road then install a plastic “vault” which will house the meter and back flow device. Generally, it will not be necessary for the installation crew enter the property, although there may be an occasional exception. It will not be necessary for the installation crew to enter your home. Once the meter is installed, the crew will fill, grade and reseed the disrupted area of the installation. When finished, you will see a round metal plate about 12 inches in diameter at the same grade as the grass.
It will not be necessary to shut down large areas of the water distribution system during this process. If there is any disruption to your water, it will be very brief. We will notify individual property owners of the day and approximate time of the installation.
Meters are critical to effective management of our water distributions system. They are the best defense against leaks. At this moment, there is no plan to charge for water, but that may change in the future. Attached is the resolution adopted at the March 2nd Board of Trustees meeting approving the meter installation project. Local Law No. 1, of 1989, which established the rights and responsibilities of Village residents and local government for the water distribution system, can be found on the Village web site.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Board of Trustees
Village of Dering Harbor