Special Board Meeting Minutes
Village of Dering Harbor
Board of Trustees
26 August 2017
9:00 AM
Meeting Minutes for the Village of Dering Harbor Board of Trustees, Special Board meeting on August 26, 2017, 9:00 AM, prepared by Elizabeth Gilpin.
In attendance: Wayne Bruyn, Alex Jackson, Ken Walker, Mary Walker, Stewart Goldman, Kirk Ressler, Alfredo Paredes, Mary Brownlie, Esther Hunt, Betsy Colby, Bridg Hunt, Eric Deutsch, Stephanie Deutsch, Dr. Catsoulis, Jim Goldman, Karen Kelsey, Patrick Parcells, Ari Benacerraf, John Colby, Elizabeth Gilpin.
I. The meeting was called to order at 9am.
The Mayor opened with a quote from John Adams. ‘The happiness of society is when there is no government.’
Motion to open the meeting: Ari Benacerraf Motion seconded by: Karen Kelsey
In Favor: Unanimous
II. Review and Approval of the Minutes of the 5 August 2017 meeting
Motion to approve the minutes: Ari Benacerraf
Motion seconded by: Karen Kelsey In Favor: Unanimous
III. Old Business (Motion to Open Old Business)
Motion to open old business: Ari Benacerraf Motion seconded by: Karen Kelsey
In Favor: Unanimous
(1) Organizational Resolutions adjourned from 15 July 2017 meeting:
WHEREAS the Honorable John T. Colby Jr. as the Mayor of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor has made certain appointments of Village Officials, Commissioners, Board Members and other appointed officers of the Village, and; WHEREAS at the meeting conducted on 26 August, 2017 these appointments duly came before the Board of Trustees for approval, and the Board duly approved those appointments, it is therefore; RESOLVED that the appointments of Village Officials, Officers, Commissioners, Board Members and other appointed officers of the Village are hereby approved: Village Clerk Elizabeth (Lisa) Gilpin, Village Treasurer Elizabeth (Lisa) Gilpin.
Motion to accept Organizational Resolution by: Patrick Parcells
Motion seconded by: Karen Kelsey
In Favor: Unanimous
(2) Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Village Treasurer as signatories on the Village Bank Accounts:
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor are required to designate and approve a bank as the official depository of the Village for the deposit of Village funds, and; WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor are required to designate officials as authorized signers on said accounts, it is therefore; RESOLVED that the official bank and depository of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor shall be the following: Bridgehampton National Bank RESOLVED FURTHER that the Mayor (John T. Colby Jr.) and Treasurer (Elizabeth Gilpin) of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor, or either of them, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to certify and deliver to the said bank a copy of this resolution, and to execute a proper signature card, or cards, bearing the authorized signatures as aforesaid to sign the checks or drafts of The Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor requires two signatures on checks or drafts in excess of US$5,000.00.
Motion to adopt resolution by: Ari Benacerraf
Motion seconded by: Patrick Parcells
In Favor: Unanimous
IV. Ways and Means (Financial Report and Review of Invoices)
No report
V. Water Works Report (Current System Usage and Tank Upgrade Status)
Summary of Current Status
VI. Village Roads and Maintenance Report
No report
VII. Report from MS4 committee and annual DEC filing update.
No report
VIII. Report from Village Greens and Improvement committee.
No report
IX. Community Report
(1) Resident Comments: The water situation was discussed. The valve on well #1 needs to be replaced. Hap will work with Eric to replace the valve. This repair will take place Monday and Tuesday. The quality of water should improve as water recedes. As of yesterday, 20,000 gallons were used in a 24 hour period compared to 165,000 per day when we began. Dr. Catsoulis asked if a bacterial study of the water had been performed. Dr. Catsoulis spoke of the Eco life that is being contaminated by our water. He spoke of Gastrointestinal issues associated with drinking contaminated water. John Commented, Hap takes tests on a regular basis and that samples are regularly sent to the Suffolk County Health Department for testing. August 10 was the last test. Hap chlorinates the water. The well dates back to 1940. We know where the problem is, know where the leak is, know that we have a faulty valve. Well #1 has been turned off until the valve is replaced and we are now using well #2. Because of the disturbance to the tanks, the water has been stirred, the salt has not had a chance to settle. Karen asked if Dr. Catsoulis is on the email distribution list as dozens of emails have circulated regarding the water issue. Patrick stated that by next week there will be a written report of what has transpired. John spoke about the possibility of applying for a grant, that he will reach out to SC Executive Steven Belone to see what the SCWA can do for the village.
X. New Business (Motion to Open New Business)
Resignation letter as written by Joseph Prokop was read.
Motion to accept resignation of Joseph Prokop:
Patrick Parcells
Motion seconded by: Karen Kelsey
In Favor: Unanimous
XI. Motion to enter Executive Session to Interview for Counsel;
Motion to adjourn to Executive Session : Karen Kelsey
Motion seconded by: Patrick Parcells
In Favor: Unanimous
The meeting was adjourned and the Mayor and Trustees went into Executive Session to interview two candidates for Village Attorney.
Motion to end executive session.
The Discussion came back to the water issue…
Ari, Suggested we don’t use Village water for irrigation. Pleased that we have found the issue. Pointed out that after next week many are gone and that work on this can be done over the winter.
Patrick, We need to figure out what to do going forward on the water leak issue, When the DEC asking us for things, if you demonstrate you understand what they are asking for they leave you alone, once valve guy shows up we will know more, we need to prepare 2-3 page report on what has been done, what it has cost, what it will cost going forward, how to meter, where to go from here long term. Well 1 should be not salty, is it possible that the well is too deep anyway’ Is the water test accurate’
John, Stated that there may be a use for the salty water in the tank such as giving it to the lobster man. The water going forward should not be so salty as we will not be over pumping. Upgrading the wells would be good, SCWA been great,
Karen, asked if it was ok to use village water for irrigation and if there is a useful use for the salt water in the tank. People have been enormously patient. They need definitives-this will be over in x days/weeks. Give clarity. If there an alternative to making this happen quicker then what is it and at what cost.
The discussion moved to construction issues next door to the Deutsch’ and to whether or not Trustees could get information from employees directly without going through the Mayor.
Patrick, Should we get a different code enforcement officer, one who is on the island rather than in Greenport. How close to done are they’ Employees work for the Village. Trustees should have the ability to get information directly from them.
Ari, Who do we call if the Mayor is not available’ Hap is under the impression that he only speaks to the Mayor, What directive have you given Hap’ Shouldn’t trustees have the ability to ask questions of employees’ Wayne should tell us how info is to be disseminated
Karen, The construction workers are working at 7pm on Friday night, they need to be penalized, what do we do if the code enforcement officer is not available’ We need to ask Wayne about the code enforcement. Karen assured John that no one will take unnecessary time away from the employees and that residents should also be able to ask questions of employees.
John, Only a code enforcement officer can take corrective action, one should be licensed. Trustees can only ask them to stop. All employees report to the mayor, John has not given Hap any directive, Trustees should not take up employees’ time with trustee’s issues, does not have any problem with trustees asking questions of employees.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am
Date for Next Meeting ‘ Saturday, 2 September 2017 at 9:00 a.m.