December 17, 2016
Prepared by Deputy Mayor Heather E.G. Brownlie, Esq.
In Attendance: Mayor Timothy M. Hogue;
Trustees: Heather E.G. Brownlie, Esq.; Richard Smith and John Colby.
Village Attorney: Joseph W. Prokop, Esq.
Village Residents: Marian Brownlie, Esther Hunt, Bridgford A. Hunt.Rob Ferris, Patrick Parcells and James Goldman.
Also Present:Julia Brennan for the Shelter Island Reporter.
I.Mayor Hogue opened the Trustees meeting at 10:11 a.m.
II.Review of the Minutes from the November 19, 2016 Meeting.
A.One change noted on Page 2 in Section IV.E.3 change “more populated end” to read “golf course side” in reference to No Hunting signs needed
B.Motion to approve the Minutes from November 19, 2016 made by Richard Smith with a second by John Colby. Motion carried unanimously.
III.Review of the Bills from November 2016
A.Mayor Hogue pointed out the X-Ray Locating cost for $2400 for valve location
B.Village is responsible for providing homeowners with location of valve to connect
C.Motion by John Colby with a second by Richard Smith to approve the November 2016 bills. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Deer Management
1. Mayor Hogue has met with the Police Chief regarding hunting regulations
2. Discussion of No Hunting signs and need for placement in different areas
3. Bow Hunting permitted Oct ? Mar on certain property within the Village
4. Discussion of possibly allowing limited shotgun hunting in Village in future
5. Would need to revise Village regulations through public hearing and legislation
6. 14 Deer have been taken since the beginning of season in October
7. Need for hunters to have signs in their car indicating they are permitted hunters
B. Water Tank Progress Report
1. Update provided to Village from H2M on finalizing bid documents
2. Bidding will take place in early 2017
C. MS4 New Regulations
1. Town of Shelter Island concerned with new MS4 regulations from DEC
2. Laury Dowd, Town Attorney, has drafted a letter to NYS DEC outlining issues
3. Dering Harbor is listed as an impaired water body ? discharge / migrating birds
4. A meeting with Fred Thiele and DEC is being scheduled for local officials
5. Unfunded mandates continue to be an issue for smaller municipalities
6. An update will be provided at the next meeting to continue discussion of issue
D. Calendar for 2017
1. Trustees and residents were provided with a list of meeting dates for 2017
2. These dates were proposed in July 2016 when organizational meeting date set
3. Motion to adopt the 2017 proposed calendar dates made by Tim Hogue and seconded by Heather Brownlie. Motion carried unanimously.
E. Executive Session
1. Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation made by Richard Smith with a second by John Colby. Motion carried unanimously.
2. Executive Session held from 11:05 a.m. to 11:27 a.m.
3. Motion to come out of Executive Session made by Heather Brownlie, and seconded by Richard Smith. Motion carried unanimously.
V.Date for next meeting set for February 18, 2017 at 10:00 a.m.
VI.Motion to adjourn the Trustees Meeting made by Richard Smith with a second by Heather Brownlie. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 11:28 a.m.