Attendance: Betsy Morgan, Mayor and Trustees Clora Kelly and Patrick Parcels, Victoria Weslek (Village Clerk); absent- Ari Benacerraf and Karen Kelsey
Meeting called to order: 12:58pm
- Current invoices for review and approval:
Board looked closely at all bills- particularly the PSEG bills (one bill higher than normal), probably from more usage than normal at the Yoco Rd Maintenance Bldg, heat needs to be set lower (55 degrees), Betsy will reach out to Chris Johnson to ask him to do that; check needs to be issued to Betsy to reimburse her for payment of Optimum bill last month (she needed to gain access to account ASAP and they had yet to receive payment), Patrick is going to look into Franchise agreement the village has with Optimum, 4 bills (from H2M, Statewide Aquastore, Ocean Electric) will be paid once the village receives wire transfer from the state;
Betsy asked for motion to approve payment of invoices. Moved by Patrick and seconded by Clora. All Board members present voted in favor.
- Resolution to approve amending resolution dated January 12, 2019 requiring real property taxes of the village to be paid in one installment. Motion made by Patrick and seconded by Clora to to approve resolution, All Board members present voted in favor.
WHEREAS, pursuant to §1434 of the New York State Real Property Tax Law, the Village of Dering Harbor had previously authorized the payment of real property taxes in two installments; and
WHEREAS, the seasonal and part time nature of the Village and the relatively small annual budget has on occasion created timing issues as to covering Village liabilities pending receipt of the revenues from the second installment of taxes; and
WHEREAS, the Village does not employ a full time receiver of taxes, and the management and accounting of real property taxes in two installments has become overly burdensome; and
WHEREAS, to create more certainty in the timing of tax revenues and to ease the burden of accounting and collection, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dering Harbor find that it is in the best interests of the long term financial stability of the Village to revert to the payment of the real property taxes in one installment, effective the next ensuing fiscal year (June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dering Harbor hereby repeals its prior resolution(s) authorizing the payment of real property taxes in two installments, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Title 2 of the New York State Real Property Law, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dering Harbor hereby directs that the Village Clerk and/or Village Treasurer to collect real property taxes in one installment effective the next ensuing fiscal year (June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020) with notice to be forwarded to residents in accordance with the following parameters:
The Village tax year covers the period of June 1st through May 31st of the following year.
Village tax bills will be mailed no later than mid-May of every year.
The entire Village tax bill shall become a lien and the real property taxes shall become due and payable on June 1st and may be paid until June 30th without penalty and interest. Payment after July 1st shall be subject to interest at the rate of 1% per month calculated from July 1st. Interest is calculated on the total tax.
Example: Tax payment to be made on or October 15th.
Delinquent Tax: $1,000.00
October Interest from July 1 (4 months = 4%): $40.00
Total Due by October 31st: $1,040.00
Please note: If taxes are paid by mail, pursuant to the New York Real Property Tax Law, the tax payer will avoid payment of a penalty and interest if the envelope bears proper postage and an official post office date/stamp not later than June 30th.
The Village of Dering Harbor will send notices of unpaid taxes approximately 45 days after July 1st and may publish a notice of such unpaid taxes in the official newspaper.
The Village of Dering Harbor reserves the right to elect a method of enforcing collection of Village real property taxes pursuant to the provisions of the New York Real Property Tax Law.
- Resolution authorizing contract with Town of Shelter Island for snow removal on main roads in the village. Betsy signed 2 copies of the contract with the town. Patrick asked Vicki to send both original signed copies in the mail to the SI Town attorney (Robert DeStefano) for the Town Supervisor (Gary Gerth) to sign. Then one copy needs to come back to the village for our records. Motion made by Patrick and seconded by Clora to approve resolution. All Board members present voted in favor.
WHEREAS, the Village of Dering Harbor desires to contract with the Town of Shelter Island for snow removal services on approximately 1.5 miles of the main roads within the Village; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Shelter Island has offered to perform such services at a formula based upon the total cost of snow removal of the Town divided by the total number of lane miles serviced for snow removal by the Town Highway Department (currently approximately 100) multiplied by the number of lane miles of snow removal services in the Village (currently approximately 3); and
WHEREAS, main roads include the portions of Manhansett Road, Locust Point Road and Dinah Rock Road within the boundaries of the Village; and
WHEREAS, snow removal on the balance of the roads in the Village will continue to be performed by Village contractors; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dering Harbor find it to be in the best interests of the Village and the safety of its residents and uses of the main roads in the Village to have snow removal services performed by the Town.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dering Harbor hereby accepts the Snow Removal Agreement with the Town of Shelter Island and authorizes the Mayor or Deputy Mayor to execute such instruments to engage the services of the Town.
Motion to adjourn 1:25pm. Clora made motion and Patrick seconded. All Board members present voted in favor