Village of Dering Harbor
Minutes from the Special Meeting on
July 27, 2018
In attendance: Betsy Morgan, Karen Kelsey, Patrick Parcells, Ari Benacerraf, Clora Kelly, and Susan Dempsey from the Shelter Island Reporter
Meeting called to order at 4:05pm.
Statement from the Mayor: This is a special meeting to resolve to approve the resignation of the Village Clerk and Treasurer and to hire temporary employees in light of this resignation. The Board will go into executive session to discuss personnel issues.
The Board went into executive session. After the executive session the Board returned and passed the following resolutions:
1. Resolution to accept the resignation of Lisa Gilpin effective July 19, 2018.
So moved: Patrick Parcells
2nd: Ari Benacerraf
All in favor: Clora, Karen and Betsy
2. Resolution to allow the mayor to hire temporary assistants as needed at market rate for a maximum of 200 hours
So moved: Ari Benacerraf
2nd: Patrick
All in favor: Clora, Karen and Betsy
3. Resolution to allow the mayor to hire a book keeper/treasurer on a trial basis for market rate for up to 50 hours per month.
So moved: Karen Kelsey
2nd: Clora Kelly
All in favor: Patrick, Betsy, Ari
Closing statement from Betsy: Since this is a special meeting confined to the business that we have already gone over and no other business can be discussed I will adjourn the meeting now. Thank you all.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:45pm.