20 January, 2018
10:00 AM
Prepared by Village Clerk, Elizabeth M. Gilpin
In Attendance: Mayor John T. Colby; Trustees: Betsy Morgan, Karen Kelsey, Ari Benacerraf, Patrick Parcells.
Village Attorney: Wayne D. Bruyn.
Village Residents: Erik Deutsch, Sephanie Deutsch, Robert Ferris, Alfredo Paredes, Brad Goldfarb, Bridgford Hunt, AnnBeth Parcells.
Also Present: Julia Brennan of The Shelter Island Reporter, Daniel P. Barker and Donna Ritzmann Legal Council and Court Reporter for Timothy Hogue and Marian Brownlie.
I. Mayor Colby opened the Trustees meeting at 10:02 a.m. with a quote from Winston Churchill. A special thank you to Richie Surozenski, Hap Bowditch and Gene Shepherd for keeping the roads clear during the recent snowstorm. Jay Card assisted as well.
II. Review and Approval of the Minutes of the 2 December 2017 meeting The resolution for the license granting of the hollies to Paredes/Goldfarb was not recorded in the minutes. Wayne and Lisa will amend the December minutes. December minutes were not approved and were tabled for the February meeting.
III. Old Business (Motion to Open Old Business)
Motion to adopt by: Ari Benacerraf
Motion seconded by: Karen Kelsey
In Favor: Unanimous
Against: ___________________________
IV. Ways and Means (Financial Report and Review of Invoices)
(1) Village email address update from Lisa Gilpin and Counsel. New email addressed have been set up as follows.
Elizabeth Gilpin [redacted]
John T. Colby [redacted]
Betsey Morgan [redacted]
Karen Kelsey [redacted]
Ari Benacerraf [redacted]
Patrick Parcells [redacted]
East End Computers will maintain the addresses. A $50 per year fee will be charged for each email address maintained. All board members should use their village email addresses when writing an email. All Committee Board Members should cc the Village Clerk when writing an email. Rob Ferris will reach out to our insurance council to determine the importance of sub-committee members having their own email address.
V. Water Works Report (Current System Usage and Tank Upgrade Status)
Patrick Parcells gave a presentation on the two water tank options under consideration. After much debate it is though [sic – text missing]
(1) Proposed tank purchase options: Patrick detailed the pros and cons of an above ground and submersed water tank. (See Attached)
Option #1 to continue with the stand tank proposal was decided upon due to several factors. This plan is already in motion and can be acted upon immediately, there is less risk involved; with option #2 two 6000 gallon hydro pneumatic tanks, permits would have to be applied for whereas with option #1 permits are already in place, no bonds would have to be issued, with Option #1 taxes are estimated to increase by 7.13% with option #2 they are estimated to increase by 8-14%. Life expectancy of above ground tank is approximately 100 years, with a submersed tank it is approximately 50 years. In option #1, no bonds will need to be issued, with option #2 bonds would have to be issued and managed. With option #1 we are familiar with the maintenance of the tank, with option #2 we are not. With option #1 the tank takes 120 days to build in Illinois and could be here and installed by summer. With option #2, it would most likely be another year before the system is useable. Option #1 is above ground and 2’ higher than the existing tank. The benefits of the hydro pneumatic tanks are aesthetic. The new tank will require fencing and motion detector lighting.
Bridg Hunt applauded the process of review and acknowledgement was given to Laura Hildreth for her hard work getting the grant in place.
Upon starting the process of construction, Lisa will be given authority to complete forms necessary to draw down funds as needed to be reimbursed by the EFC within 10 days. Repairs this year alone have cost the village in excess of $50,000. We are in violation of DEC and need to get a new system in place as soon as possible. EFC will provide additional funds as needed at 3.43 percent interest. To date we have $535,000 credit remaining. The New tank will cost $495,000 not including the fence. There are about $28,000 in concessions we will save. With option #1 we will draw down the grant first, then begin to draw down on the 4 year 0 interest note which then reverts to a 30 year note. The first principal payment will be September 2018 however subject to when we begin drawing down. The new tank will require a generator which we may be able to receive from the shared services committee. Another benefit is that we already have the electrical structure in place to accommodate the new system for pump #1.
Betsy thanked Patrick for his time and service to the village.
Karen raised the issue of creating a reserve in our budget for future expenditures. Wayne suggested we have a bond in place for the entire amount of the project. Pointed out that it had been amended to the entire $800,000.
The importance of meters was discussed for leak detection. This matter will be added to a future agenda making sure that village residents are not using soaker hoses attached to village water. SCWA has reviewed our water system and Patrick will request they suggest ways to better our water quality. Currently our water reports are being posted to the website. Karen raised the question of water charges in the Heights. Water is charged based on the number of bathrooms, kitchens, pool, etc. Not by exact water usage.
Authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with AquaStore, $495,000 to accept that contract authorizing John to execute on behalf of the village. Patrick requested that John be allowed to sign up to the $738,000 because we have to be able to communicate with the electric people and the tank contractor.
Authorize the Mayor to return this agreement which is the replacement of the water storage tank at Upper Yoco Road, affect construction.
All voted in favor.
VI. Village Roads and Maintenance Report
No report
VII. Report from MS4 committee and annual DEC filing update.
No report
VIII. Report from Village Greens and Improvement committee.
No report
IX. Planning Board Review
No report
X. Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Review
No report
XI. Architectural Review Board (ARB) Review
No report
XII. Community Reports
(1) Shore Road Naming Committee, Jim Goldman, chair.
Betsy stated that there was nothing to report.
(2) Resident Comments.
XIII. New Business (Motion to Open New Business)
Wayne interjected that we should ask if any residents have questions regarding litigation. Karen asked if the attendees were aware that the village had been served another lawsuit by Marion Brownlie and Timothy Hogue against the Village of Dering Harbor, Town Trustees and Architectural Review Board against the licence granted to Paredes Goldfarb for the existing holly trees.
Motion to move to Executive Session adopt by: Patrick Parcells
Motion seconded by: Betsy Morgan
In Favor: Unanimous
(1) Executive Session, litigation matters.
(2) Employee matters.
XIV. Date for Next Meeting – Saturday, 3 February 2018 at 10:00 a.m.
XV. Motion to Adjourn