Minutes – June 17, 2017

June 17, 2017

Prepared by Deputy Mayor Heather E.G. Brownlie, Esq.

In Attendance:
Mayor Timothy M. Hogue;
Trustees: Heather E.G. Brownlie, Esq., John Colby, Kirk Ressler, and Richard Smith.
Village Attorney: Joseph W. Prokop, Esq.
Village Residents: Marian Brownlie, Esther Hunt, Bridgford A. Hunt, Rob Ferris, Patrick Parcells, James Goldman, Ken Walker, Robert Ruttenberg and Martha Baker.
Also Present:Julia Brennan for the Shelter Island Reporter.


I. Mayor Hogue opened the Trustees meeting at 9:05 a.m.

II. Review of the Minutes from the May 20, 2017 Meeting.

A. Motion to approve the Minutes from May 20, 2017 made by Richard Smith with a second by John Colby. Motion carried unanimously.

III. Review of the Bills from May 2017

A. Motion by Heather Brownlie with a second by Richard Smith to approve the May 2017 bills. Motion carried unanimously.


A. Dering Woods LLC

1. Revised Survey provided by Dering Woods LLC showing location of well.
2. Motion to approve the well location as shown on the survey for Dering Woods LLC made by John Colby with a second by Richard Smith. Motion carried unanimously.

B. 10K Run June 17, 2017

1. The 10K Run will go through the Village this afternoon and the roads will be closed from approximately 4:30pm to 6:30pm to accommodate the race.

C. Water Tank Update

1. Breaking out the bids for the generator and the electrical portions of the job.
2. Grant and 30-year interest-free loan are in place for funding for the project.

D. James Goldman Mooring Application / Mooring Regulations

1. Mr. Goldman submitted a mooring application in November 2016.
2. Mooring Policy in place addresses waterfront owners but not non-waterfront.
3. Review of regulations in place from 1984 and 1995 will take place over summer.
4. Mr. Goldman is seeking a safe-harbor mooring reusing existing equipment.
5. Motion made by by Kirk Ressler to approve the mooring application for James Goldman for a boat-specific mooring which was seconded by John Colby. Motion carried unanimously.

E. Yoco Road Drainage Permit

1. Village moving forward with repairs to the Yoco Road drainage system.
2. Goal is to lessen the flooding situation on a regular basis.
3. Will not prevent issues associated with heavy storm flooding.

F. Village Elections – June 20, 2017 from 12pm-9pm at the Village Hall

1. Appointment of Replacement Poll Inspectors for the Village Election.
2. Lyn Thompson will be unavailable so Mayor Hogue is appointing Angela Corbett as Poll Inspector for the upcoming election. Motion made by Kirk Ressler with a second by John Colby to confirm the poll inspector appointment of Angela Corbett.Motion carried unanimously.

G. Review of Benefits for Richie Surozenski, Highway Superintendent

1. Mayor Hogue distributed the Minutes from September 20, 2014 at which Mr.Surozenski?s benefits were confirmed by the Board of Trustees.
2. Resolution Establishing Policy for Payment of Health Benefits on Retirement and Granting Retirement Health Benefits for Employee Richie Surozenski.

Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dering Harbor hereby establishes a Village Policy that retired employees with total employment time of at least twenty-five years with the Village of Dering Harbor shall be entitled on retirement to a family plan of health insurance benefits at no cost to the retiree, and that Richie Surozenski having been employed by the Village of Dering Harbor for more than thirty-five years is entitled to and shall receive at no cost Medicare and a family plan of health benefits, that shall include his wife Sharon Surozenski for life.

3. Motion to pass the Resolution made by Tim Hogue with a second by Heather Brownlie to establish a policy for payment of health benefits on retirement and granting retirement health benefits for Employee Richie Surozenski.

Motion carried 4-0 with Trustee Kirk Ressler abstaining from the vote.

H. Executive Session

1. Motion to go into Executive Session made by John Colby with a second by Richard Smith.Motion carried unanimously.
2. Executive Session held from 9:55 a.m. to 10:20 a.m.
3. Motion to come out of Executive Sessionmade by Heather Brownlie, and seconded by John Colby. Motion carried unanimously.

V. Date for next meeting set for July 15, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.

A motion was made by John Colby to set the date for the next Trustees Meeting as July 15, 2017 which was seconded by Heather Brownlie. Motion carried unanimously.

VI. Motion to adjourn the Trustees Meeting made by Richard Smith with a second by Heather Brownlie.Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 10:21 a.m.