May 20, 2017
Prepared by Deputy Mayor Heather E.G. Brownlie, Esq.
In Attendance: Mayor Timothy M. Hogue;
Trustees: Heather E.G. Brownlie, Esq.; John Colby Kirk Ressler and Richard Smith.
Village Attorney: Joseph W. Prokop, Esq.
Village Residents: Marian Brownlie, Esther Hunt, Bridgford A. Hunt, Rob Ferris, Betsy Morgan, Jonathan Cary, AnnBeth Eschbach, Patrick Parcells, James Goldman, Ken Walker and Martha Baker.
Also Present: Julia Brennan for the Shelter Island Reporter.
I. Mayor Hogue opened the Trustees meeting at 9:05 a.m.
II. Review of the Minutes from the April 15, 2017 Meeting
A. Motion to approve the Minutes from April 15, 2017 made by Richard Smith with a second by John Colby. Motion carried unanimously.
III. Review of the Bills from April 2017
A.Motion by Heather Brownlie with a second by Richard Smith to approve the April 2017 bills. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Mildred Flower Hird Nature Preserve East/West
1. Donation of land purchased with 2% funds by Town/County/Village.
2. Signage needs to be updated with changes to the wording.
B. 10K Run June 17, 2017
1. Motion to approve the 10K Run to go through the Village on June 17, 2017 Needed. The appropriate insurance forms have already been submitted.
2. Motion by John Colby with a second by Heather Brownlie to allow the 10K run to use Village Roads for their annual race on June 17, 2017. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Water Tank Update
1. Tank Manufacturer identified ? need to choose color for tank.
2. Bidding the Generator separately from the water tank.
3. Chain Link Fence and lighting will be installed surrounding new water tank.
D. Cross Building Permit Application for Pool/Fence/Hedge
1. License Agreement for hedge on Village Property to be utilized for pool fencing.
2. Maximum height of hedge will be 6-feet.
3. Draft License Agreement prepared for signature by the applicants then the Village.
4. Motion by Richard Smith with a second by John Colby to approve the License Agreement to be entered into with the Crosses. Motion carried unanimously.
E. James Goldman Mooring Application
1. James Goldman has submitted a mooring application for an alternate location.
2. The Village of Dering Harbor Harbormaster, Charles Modica, has reviewed.
3. Discussion of history of moorings in the Village and use of moorings by guests.
4. Further discussion to be held at the next meeting on Moorings Law to review current policy and the parameters of this application for a specific weight mooring for a specific size boat.
F. Sunshine Application for Well for Irrigation System
1. Application submitted by Sunshine LLC for an irrigation well.
2. Location of well shown on an old incorrect survey and within scenic easement.
3. Applicant to provide updated survey of specific location of well not in easement.
G. MS4 Update
1. Dering Harbor listed as a potentially contaminated water body.
2. Updated legislation coming forward which will burden Village further and may require all cesspools to be converted to updated septic systems.
H. Village Elections – June 20, 2017 from 12pm-9pm at the Village Hall
1. Appointment of Poll Inspectors for the Village Elections – Esther Hunt, Lyn Thompson and Wade Badger. Motion made by John Colby with a second by Richard Smith to confirm the poll inspector appointments. Motion carried unanimously.
2. Mr. Hunt read a prepared statement about his residence in the Village and his disgust at the attempt to disenfranchise himself and his wife from voting in the Village.
3. Mr. Ressler stated that this is a new low point in the history of the Village and symbolic of the current state of affairs and is disappointed in the actions of fellow residents to attempt to disenfranchise members of his family also.
I. Executive Session
1. Motion to go into Executive Session made by Heather Brownlie with a second by John Colby. Motion carried unanimously.
2. Executive Session held from 10:15 a.m. to 11:46 a.m.
3. Motion to come out of Executive Session made by Tim Hogue,and seconded by Heather Brownlie. Motion carried unanimously.
V. Date for next meeting set for June 17, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
VI. Motion to adjourn the Trustees Meeting made by Richard Smith with a second by John Colby. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 11:47 a.m.