Minutes – November 19, 2016

November 19, 2016

Prepared by Deputy Mayor Heather E.G. Brownlie, Esq.

In Attendance: Mayor Timothy M. Hogue
Trustees: Heather E.G. Brownlie, Esq. and John Colby.
Village Attorney: Joseph W. Prokop, Esq.
Village Residents: Marian Brownlie, Esther Hunt, Bridgford A. Hunt.Beth Hird (Esther?s Neice), Eric Deutsch, Stephanie Deutsch,
Rob Ferris, Karen Kelsey, Ken Walker, Patrick Parcells and Clora Kelly.
Also Present:Julia Brennan for the Shelter Island Reporter.

I.  Mayor Hogue opened the Trustees meeting at 10:07 a.m.

II. Review of the Minutes from the October 15, 2016 Meeting.
A.Motion to approve the Minutes from October 15, 2016 made by John Colby with a second by Heather Brownlie. Motion carried unanimously.

III.Review of the Bills from October 2016
A. Motion by John Colby with a second by Heather Brownlie to approve the October 2016 bills. Motion carried unanimously.

A. Proposed Noise Legislation
1. Mayor Hogue stated that the proposed legislation will remain open for further discussion and/or written comments from the residents and no action taken yet.
2. Using similar criteria as Town requirements since Shelter Island Town Police will be enforcing the regulations, if passed.
3. Discussion of including electric equipment in addition to gas and diesel powered equipment.
4. Discussion of hours for homeowners to do their own work.
5. Discussion of exceptions for homeowners obtaining party permits.
6. Discussion of 50 decibels (A-weighted) reference in Section 2.2

B. Water Tank Progress Update
1. A water main break occurred in the water line in front of the Ruttenberg house.
2. Review of tank options for pre-made tank with glass lining ? different sizes.
3. Proposal being prepared for RFP to be requested to obtain bids.

C. Hedge Report Update
1. Holding open for further discussion / written comments from residents
2. Seeking voluntary resolution and cooperation from the residents overall.

D. Elections
1. Trustees will keep the date of the Elections for the third Tuesday in June
2. June 20, 2017 will be the date of the elections

E. Deer Issue
1. More deer in the Village of Dering Harbor than in previous years
2. Nuisance Permits may be issued by the Town for Bow and Arrow hunting
3. No Hunting signs needed on the golf course side of Manhanset Road

F. Executive Session
1. Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation made by Tim Hogue with a second by Heather Brownlie. Motion carried unanimously.
2. Executive Session held from 11:39 a.m. to 12:04 p.m.
3. Motion to come out of Executive Session made by Tim Hogue, and seconded by Heather Brownlie. Motion carried unanimously.

G. Retainer Agreement
1. Motion to ratify the Retainer Agreement for Hamburger, Maxson, Yaffe  and McNally to assist with pending litigation at a rate of $290/hour.  Motion made by Heather Brownlie with a second by John Colby.  Motion carried unanimously.

VII.Date for next meeting set for December 17, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.

VIII.Motion to adjourn the Trustees Meeting made by Heather Brownlie with a second by John Colby. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m.