Minutes – October 14, 2017

Board Meeting Minutes
Village of Dering Harbor
Board of Trustees
14 October, 2017
10:00 AM

Meeting Minutes for the Village of Dering Harbor Board of Trustees, regular meeting on October 14, 2017, 10:00 AM prepared by Jeanette Flynn.

In attendance: Marian Brownlie, Rob Ferris, Julia Brennan, Alfred Paredes, Brad Goldfarb, Eric Deutsch, Stephanie Deutsch, Jonathan Cary, Kirk Ressler, Esther Hunt, Betsy Colby, Bridg Hunt, Annbeth Eschbach, David Goldbaum, Kenneth Walker, Mary Walker, James Goldman, Meredith Jenkins, Daniel Barker, ESQ., Wayne Bruyn- Village Attorney, Karen Kelsey, Patrick Parcells, Ari Benacerraf, John Colby, Betsy Morgan, Jeanette Flynn.

I. The meeting was called to order at 10am. The Mayor opened with a quote from Joyce Oates.

Motion to open the meeting: Patrick Parcells
Motion seconded by: Karen Kelsey
In Favor: Unanimous

II. Review and Approval of the Minutes of the 26 2 September 2017 special meeting

Motion to approve the minutes with a correction: Patrick Parcels
Motion seconded by: Betsy Morgan
In Favor: Unanimous

Ill. Old Business (Motion to Open Old Business)

Motion to open old business: Betsy Morgan
Motion seconded by: Patrick Parcels
In Favor: Unanimous

1) Shore Road Naming Committee

Trustees discussed renaming Shore Road. Trustee Betsy Morgan sent out an email survey which was anonymous to residents of the Village to pole for suggested new names. Trustees generally agreed that doing a survey in an informal way was helpful. Resident Bridg Hunt opined that the Village Attorney should be asked for legalities of doing surveys.

Mayor Colby suggested that a renaming committee should be formed as a first step. Trustees agreed to name James Goldman, Kirk Ressler, and Betsy Morgan as a liaison to this new committee.

Village Attorney Wayne Bruyn, stated that there are no legal issues with investigating/surveying is fine.

IV. Ways and Means (Financial Report and Review of Invoices)

1) September Disbursements Report Review

Trustees agreed to keep suspension three items on the Distribution Sheet. Trustee Ari Benacerraf is still investigating Maxson Hamburger, one on H2M Architects, and Joseph Prokop
regarding their bills.

Trustees discussed employee compensation, benefits, and insurance coverage. Trustees agreed to investigate if insurance pay out for part time employees is budgeted and

Trustees agreed to hold payment to Hap Bowditch for the added $12,000 bill which is on top of his regular salary.

2) Review of NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation(EFC) August 2017

The NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation August 2107 is attached for the record.

3) Operating Statements, Period ending 30 September 2017 and Forecast Fiscal 2018 versus Fiscal 2018 versus Actual Fiscal 2017.

Mayor Colby reviewed operating statements with trustees and reported that the Village will be short $43,572 at end of year. Mayor Colby also reported that there is $178,000 in bank
currently. Mayor Colby stated the Village has to consider continuing legal fees for lawsuits pending.

Trustee Patrick Parcels suggested that the Village form a committee to audit total assets and liabilities. Trustee Parcels stated the committee would assess budget and short falls.

Village Clerk Lisa Gilpin confirmed $2,399.54 in Village account. Trustees agreed to have John Colby, Rob Ferris, and Meredith Jenkins on auditing committee.

4) Month ending cutoff on the 25th for invoice approval at monthly Trustees meeting.

Trustees unanimously agreed to a cutoff on invoices to be approved for Monthly Trustees meeting for the 25th of every month.

5) Salerno Insurance Brokerage

Trustee Betsy Morgan reported that she had an excellent meeting with the insurance broker. Trustee Morgan stated the Village does not a rider for the fine arts. Trustee Morgan also stated
that they need to get an appraisal for the kidney shaped table. Trustee Morgan reviewed insurance costs and reported that all employees, trustees and volunteers should have village
email accounts for insurance purposes as well.

6) Village Computer

Trustees agreed to have the village computers needs reviewed and assessed.

V. Water Works Report (Current System Usage and Tank Upgrade Status)

Trustee Patrick Parcels reported on the system usage of tanks and tank purchase contract.

Tank Contract:
$740,000- Balance
$600,000- Secured

Trustee Parcels reported that the loan is a 40 year note. Trustees discussed costs of tank upgrades and other possible water systems like West Neck Water and the Shelter island Heights. Trustee parcels stated he will look into aspects of getting a chief engineer and bond council.

Chloride levels in Well One and Two are still an issue, but are decreasing with Well One at 250 and Well two at 50.

Trustee Parcels stated he met with Philip Thompson, Emergency Manager, and Suffolk County Water Authority.

VI. Village Roads and Maintenance Report

1) Yoco Road Drywell installation

Mayor Colby stated that the Yoco Road Drywell installation has not started yet.

Mayor Colby also invited everyone to go on CHIPS website h!!Qs://www.dot.ny.gove/programs/chips regarding reimbursement.

VII. Report from MS4 committee and annual DEC filing update.

Mayor Colby is looking for someone to replace him on the MS4 committee.

VIII. Report from Village Greens and Improvement committee.

Trustees unanimously agreed to take down the Arborvitaes and roots in front of Village Hall and to get an estimate from Chris Johnson for removal.

IX. Planning Board Review

Kirk Ressler reported on Shore Road hedges. PB member Ressler discussed concerns of the height of hedges on Shore Road and how it affects the views and privacy of neighborhood. Member Ressler stated hedges are to be 3 feet and 5 feet setbacks of hedges should be enforced for safety. Member Ressler stated the Shore Road closing decision is still in limbo.

X. Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Review

No report.

XI. Architectural Review Board (ARB) Review

Application: 21 Shore Road Hedge application and referral to ARB scheduled immediately following VDH Trustee Meeting.


Marian M. Brownlie, letter, regarding Goldfarb/Paredes Hedge application

Brad Goldfarb passed around formal plans to install 3 to 4 foot hedges around his property on 21 Shore Road and invited trustees to review them and stated they have been wanting to do this for a couple of years now.

Resident Marian Brownlie came forward to explain her concerns regarding the hedges.

Ms. Brownlie stated she likes the restoration done on the Herman house. Ms. Brownlie also stated she could not get access to full set of plans ahead of meeting. Ms. Brownlie stated she has safety concerns with the hedges being close to road and possibly too high. Ms. Brownlie also noted that the contractors at property have blocked the road way.

Village Attorney Wayne Bruyn, stated that letters, comments, plans, and plans are and applicant seems flexible.

Daniel Barker, ESQ., representing Marian Brownlie and Tim Hogue addressed the Board and went over Village code. Mr. Barker stated that there are title and deed issues with lots and that should be sorted out before things can go forward.

A motion was made to adjourn application for more information.
Motion to adopt by: Karen Kelsey
Motion seconded by: Ari Benacerraf
In Favor: unanimous

XII. Community Reports

1) Shelter Island Water Quality Improvement Committee and Water advisory Committee

Mayor Colby stated he attended the last WQIPAB meeting and discussed having a person from Dering Harbor represented on the committee as well because Dering Harbor contributes to the Community Preservation Fund.

Mayor Colby also stated he will attend a WAC meeting to report to them on Dering harbor well issues.

XIII. New Business

1) Executive Session, Litigation Matters.

2) Motion to appoint Wayne Bruyn to settle People of the State of NV vs. Goldfarb/Paredes

Motion to adopt by: Betsy Morgan
Motion seconded by: Karen Kelsey
In Favor: unanimous

RESOLVED and WHEREAS the board of Trustees of Village of Dering Harbor desire to conclude the case of People of State of New York verses Goldfarb/Paredes and RESOLVED to authorize Village Attorney Wayne Bruyn to settle case Goldfarb/Paredes.

Motion to adopt by: Betsy Morgan
Motion seconded by: Karen Kelsey
In Favor: unanimous

XIV. Date for Next Meeting- Saturday, 4 November 2017 at 10:00 a.m.

XV. Motion to Adjourn

Motion to adopt by: Betsy Morgan
Motion seconded by: Karen Kelsey
In Favor: unanimous

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 am.