Topic: VDH Trustees Meeting- January 9th
Time: Jan 9, 2021 9:00 AM EST
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Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees’ Meeting
January 9, 2021, 9am
I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Review and approval of the minutes of the December 14 th meeting
IV. Old Business
V. Ways and Means: Treasurer’s Report
A. Bank reconciliation
B. Resolution to approve the abstract/bills to be paid
C. Update on taxes received and outstanding
VI. Water Works Report
VII. Status of Litigation and FOIL requests
VIII. New Business
A. RFP for Audit Services
B. Ethics policies and practices relating to Board of Trustees participation in public
meetings and hearings.
C. Resolution to schedule a public hearing for March 13, 2021 on a local law
updating definitions of lot lines and yards.
D. Resolution to schedule a public hearing for March 13, 2021 on a local law
amending the zoning code relating to driveways and off-street parking.
E. Resolution to schedule a public hearing for March 13, 2021 on a local law
amending the review procedure for the removal of trees.
XII. Public Comments
XIII. Executive Session – litigation matters
XIV. Date for Next Meeting – Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
XV. Motion to Adjourn