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Topic: VDH Trustees meeting- September 19th
Time: Sep 19, 2020 9:00 AM EST
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Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees’ Meeting
September 19, 2020, 9am
I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Village Election Results/Swearing in of new officers.
IV. Review and acceptance of the minutes of the meeting of August 8, 2020
V. Organizational resolutions:
A. Appointment of Karen Kelsey as Deputy Mayor
B. Resolution for the appointment of Village officers and officials as follows:
Village Clerk, Treasurer, and Records Access Officer: Vicki Weslek
Village Attorney: Wayne Bruyn, Esq.
Commissioner of the Water Department: Suffolk County Water Authority
Village Fire Marshall and Code Enforcement Officer: Arthur Bloom
Village Waterways Commissioner: Clora Kelly
Agent for Mailing Notice of Claim: Village Clerk Vicki Weslek
Village Auditors: Nawrocki Smith LLP
Village Accountant and book keeper: East End Accounting Services Corp.
Building Inspector: George Butts
C. Resolution determining the cost of bonding Village Officers to be a Village expense
D. Resolution waiving requirement for the Mayor and Trustees to post an undertaking
E. Resolution designating Bridgehampton National Bank as the official Village bank
F. Resolution designating the Shelter Island Reporter as the official Village newspaper
G. Resolution setting dates and times of regular monthly meetings and adopting the rules of the open meetings law. (The 2nd Saturday of every month: 10/10, 11/14, 12/12, 01/9/21, February – no meeting, 3/13, 4/10, 5/8, 6/12) Reminder – Election day 5/28/2021
H. Resolution establishing procedures for the setting and notification of a special meeting
I. Resolution adopting Roberts Rules of Order as the official procedure of the Board
J. Resolution adopting the Village investment policy
K. Resolution adopting the Village procurement policy
L. Resolution authorizing payment of certain claims prior to audit
M. Resolution setting the Date of the 2021 organizational meeting to be June 12, 2021
N. Appointment of Meredith Jenkins as Chair of the ZBA to 06/30/21
O. Appointment of Mickey Kostow as member for a three year term ending on 06/30/23 and Chair of ARB to 06/30/21
P. Appointment of Marian Brownlie as ZBA member for a five-year term ending on 06/30/24.
Q. Appointment of Stuart Goldman to the Planning Board for a five-year term ending on 06/30/24
R. Appointment of Bob Ruttenberg as Chair of the Planning Board to 6/30/21
S. Appointment of Stephanie Deutsch to the ARB member for a three-year term ending on 06/30/23
VI. Old Business
VII. Ways and Means: Treasurer’s Report prepared by East End Accounting Services
A. Bank reconciliation and budget-to-actual reports
B. Resolution to approve the abstract/bills to be paid
C. Update on taxes received and outstanding
VIII. Water Works Report
VIIII. Status of Litigation and FOIL requests
X. New Business
XI. Public Hearing – Local Law to Provide for the Codification Local Laws, Ordinances and Certain Resolutions to be designated “Code of the Village of Dering Harbor”
XII. Public Hearing – Local Law amending article X of the Zoning Law updating and revising
procedures of the Architectural Review Board
XIII. Public Hearing – Local Law amending certain references, requirements and procedures of
the Board of Appeals
XIIII. Resolution approving a contract for fire protection services to be provided by the Shelter
Island Fire District.
XV. Public Comments
XVI. Executive Session, litigation matters
XVII Date for Next Meeting – Saturday, October 10th, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
XVIII. Motion to Adjourn