Special Meeting – January 29, 2021

 Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees Special Meeting via Zoom


January 29, 2021 

  • Attendance- Mayor Patrick Parcells, Trustees Karen Kelsey, Clora Kelly, Ari Benacerraf, Brad Goldfarb, Vicki Weslek (village clerk), Wayne Bruyn (village attorney), Donna Ritzzmann (stenographer from Flynn Stenography, present on behalf of Timothy Hogue), Marian Brownlie, John Colby
  • The meeting was called to order at 3:06pm
  • A motion to pass a resolution to approve payments of $37,478.78 and $8,533.26 to the Shelter Island Fire District was made by Karen and seconded by Ari. All Board members voted in favor.
  • After a discussion about the Procurement Policy, a resolution to amend certain provisions of the VDH Procurement Policy was tabled until the March meeting.
  • A motion to go into Executive Session at 3:15pm to discuss litigation matters was made by Karen and seconded by Brad. All Board members voted in favor.
  • The meeting was called back into session at 5:12pm.
  • A resolution to pay Christian Johnson’s January invoice of $1,875.00 was made by Karen and seconded by Clora. All Board members voted in favor.
  • Date for Next Meeting is set Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
  • A motion to adjourn at 5:16pm was made by Karen and seconded by Clora. All Board members voted in favor.