5 August, 2017
9:00 AM
I. Meeting called to order
Mayor’s Opening Comments
II. Review and Approval of the Minutes of the 15 July 2017 meeting
III. Old Business (Motion to Open Old Business)
Organizational Resolutions adjourned from 15 July 2017 meeting:
(1) Resolution setting the 2017-2018 regular meeting dates to the first Saturday of the month and to adopt the rules of the Open Meetings Law.
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor are required to set the date for regular monthly meetings of the Board of Trustees through the year, unless otherwise designated by the Board and proper public notification is given, and;
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees are desirous of adopting the requirements of the open meetings law as set forth in the Public Officers Law, and the other laws of the State of New York, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that the regular meeting date of the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor unless set by the Trustees for a different date or time shall be the first Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. (except October through April when it meets at 10 a.m.) at the Dering Harbor Village Hall, unless a vote of the Board with proper public notice is otherwise made and given, then the meeting for that month shall be on such other date as may be set by the Board, and it is further;
RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the notice requirements of the Public Officers Law as the official procedure of the Board, and directs the Village Clerk, unless otherwise directed or required, to provide at least seventy-two hours notice to and in the media of every meeting of the Board.
Motion to adopt by: _______________
Motion seconded by: _______________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
Schedule of Meeting Dates:
Aug 5, 2017, 9 a.m.
Sept 2, 2017, 9 a.m. (Labor Day weekend)
Oct 7, 2017, 10 a.m. (Columbus Day weekend)
Nov 4, 2017, 10 a.m.
December 2, 2017, 10 a.m. January 6 (no January meeting)
February 3, 2018, 10 a.m.
March 3, 2018, 10 a.m.
April 7, 2018, 10 a.m.
May 5, 2018, 9 a.m.
June 2, 2018, 9 a.m.
July 7, 2018, 9 a.m.(organizational meeting)
(2) Resolution setting the date of the 2018 organizational meeting.
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor are empowered to set the date of the 2017 organizational meeting of the Village of Dering Harbor, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that the 2018 Organizational Meeting of the Village of Dering Harbor shall be held on Saturday, July 7, 2018, at 9:00 a.m., or at such other time as may properly be set by the Board of Trustees at that time.
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(3) Resolution by the Board of Trustees establishing procedures for the setting and notification of a special meeting.
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor desire to establish a procedure for setting special meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Village, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dering Harbor may be called by either the Mayor or by two Trustees of the Village of Dering Harbor acting together, and it is further;
RESOLVED that in the event of a special meeting being called, the Mayor and every member of the Board of Trustees shall be informed by telephone by either the Village Clerk or another member of the Board of Trustees of the date, time, location and subject of the special meeting, and unless the meeting is called to respond to an emergency concerning the safety and welfare of the Village, notice of the meeting shall be given to the Trustees, newspapers and radio, and posted on the Village notice boards at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting, and otherwise as in conformance with the Public Officers Law, and the other laws of the State of New York.
Motion to adopt by: _______________
Motion seconded by: _______________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(4) Resolution adopting Robert’s Rules of Order as the official procedure of the Board.
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor are able to develop or designate rules of procedure and meetings to be applied for the meetings of the Board, and;
WHEREAS the Board of Trustees believes it is in the best interests of the Village to adopt the Robert’s Rules of Order as the rules of procedure for the Board, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that the Robert’s Rules of Order are hereby adopted as the rules of procedure for the Board of Trustees of the Village to the extent that they are not inconsistent with New York State law.
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(5) Resolution appointing Nawrocki Smith, LLP as the Village Auditors.
WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dering Harbor has determined that it is in the best interests of the Village of Dering Harbor to retain the accounting firm of Narwocki Smith, LLP, as Village Auditors; it is therefore
RESOLVED that Narwocki Smith, LLP is hereby appointed as the Village Auditors of the Village of Dering Harbor.
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(6) Resolution authorizing payment of certain claims prior to audit.
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor have determined that it may be necessary and in the best interests of the Village to make payment of certain claims regarding utilities, postage, freight and express charges prior to audit by the Board of Trustees, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that the Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to make payment of invoices prior to audit by the Board of Trustees of public utility services, postage, freight and express charges, and it is further;
RESOLVED that in the event that a claim is paid prior to audit by the Board of Trustees pursuant to this resolution, the claimant and officer of the Village approving or incurring same shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the Board of Trustees in the subsequent audit of that claim.
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(7) Resolution authorizing officers and employees of the Village to attend conferences and seminars.
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor have determined that it is in the best interests of the Village and its residents that officers and employees of the Village of Dering Harbor from time to time attend conferences and seminars of public employees and officials for educational and training and other similar purposes and that upon prior approval that they may be reimbursed for some or all of their reasonable expenses incurred, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that the officers and employees of the Village of Dering Harbor may after prior approval by the Board of Trustees attend conferences and seminars of public employees and officials for the purpose of education and training and other related purposes, and be reimbursed for part or all of their reasonable expenses incurred which shall be intended to be limited to the per diem amount established by the State of New York provided that their attendance and the expenses were approved by the Board of Trustees in advance of their attendance at the conference or seminar.
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(8) Resolution authorizing and setting rate of mileage reimbursement for Village officers and employees.
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor have determined that it is in the best interests of the Village and its residents that officers and employees of the Village of Dering Harbor be reimbursed for the reasonable cost of the use of their personal vehicles for Village purposes, and that a standard for the rate of this reimbursement be adopted by the Village, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that the Village of Dering Harbor will reimburse the officers and employees for the reasonable cost of the use of their personal vehicles for Village purposes on the submission of a written request and documentation of same, and that the rate of reimbursement shall be the then posted rate as set by the Internal Revenue Service at the time of the use.
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(9) Resolution determining cost of bonding Village officers to be a Village expense.
WHEREAS certain officers of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor are required by law to be bonded, and;
WHEREAS such bonding is in conjunction with the discharge of their duties and;
WHEREAS the Board of Trustees by law may determine that the cost of such bonding is a Village expense, it is therefore;
RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dering Harbor that the cost of the bonding required of certain Village officers in conjunction with the discharge of their duties as a Village officer is a Village expense, and that such charge shall be charged to and paid by the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor.
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(10) Resolution waiving the requirements of posting an undertaking for the Mayor and Trustees of the Village.
RESOLVED that the requirement for the Mayor and Trustees to post an undertaking is hereby waived.
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(11) Resolution designating the official Village bank and depository to be the Bridgehampton National Bank.
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor are required to designate and approve a bank as the official depository of the Village for the deposit of Village funds, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that the official bank and depository of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor shall be the following:
Bridgehampton National Bank
Subject to the review of appropriate documentation of the bank by the Village Attorney and Treasurer.
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(12) Resolution designating the Shelter Island Reporter as the official Village newspaper.
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor are required to designate and approve a newspaper as the official newspaper of the Village for the posting of public notices of the Village, and other requirements, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that the official newspaper of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor shall be the Shelter Island Reporter, of Shelter Island, New York.
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(13) Resolution adopting the Village of Dering Harbor’s cash management and investment policy.
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor are required to adopt or formulate certain policy and procedures regarding the investment and deposit of Village funds, and the management of that money, and;
WHEREAS the Village of Dering Harbor has previously adopted the model cash management and investment policy of the Office of the State Comptroller as the Cash Management and Investment Policy of the Village, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that the investment policy of the Village of Dering Harbor shall hereby be the model cash management and investment policy of the Office of the State Comptroller as currently in effect as the cash management and investment policy of the Village of Dering Harbor.
Motion to adopt resolution by: ______________
Seconded by _______________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(14) Resolution adopting the Village procurement policy.
WHEREAS the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor are required to adopt or formulate certain policy and procedures regarding procurements by the Village, and;
WHEREAS the Village of Dering Harbor has previously adopted the model procurement policy of the Office of the State Comptroller as the procurement policy for the Village and the Board desires for that policy to remain, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that the model procurement policy of the Office of the State Comptroller as currently in effect is adopted as the procurement policy of the Village of Dering Harbor.
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
(15) Resolution approving appointments of Village officials
WHEREAS the Honorable John T. Colby Jr. as the Mayor of the Incorporated Village of Dering Harbor has made certain appointments of Village Officials, Commissioners, Board Members and other appointed officers of the Village, and;
WHEREAS at the annual organizational meeting of the Village conducted on 5 August, 2017 these appointments duly came before the Board of Trustees for approval, and the Board duly approved those appointments, it is therefore;
RESOLVED that the appointments of Village Officials, Officers, Commissioners, Board Members and other appointed officers of the Village are hereby approved:
Mayor: Honorable John T. Colby Jr. (7/17-6/18)
Trustee: Elizabeth Morgan (7/17-6/19)
Trustee: Ari Benacerraf (7/17-6/19)
Trustee: Karen Kelsey (7/17-6/18)
Trustee: Patrick Parcells (7/17-6/18)
Highway Supervisor: Richard Surozenski
Commissioner Water: Department Hap Bowditch
Records Access Officer: Village Clerk (TBA)
Fire Marshall: Arthur Bloom
Village Waterways Commissioner: Charles Modica
Agent for Mailing Notice of Claim: Village Clerk (TBA)
Village Auditors: Narwocki Smith LLP
Village Environmental Engineer: Aram Terchunian
Code Enforcement Officer: Edwin Ward
Village Board Appointments
Architectural Review Board (3-year terms)
Michael Kostow, Chair (Proposed, 7/17-6/20)
Susannah Rose (7/16-6/19)
Stephanie Deutsch, Proposed (7/17-6/20) Heather Brownlie (7/14-6/17, term expired)
Bridgford Hunt (7/16-6/19)
Alfredo Paredes (Mayor Appt., 7/17-6/18) John T. Colby Jr. (7/15-6/18, resigned)
Village Planning Board (4-year terms)
Kirk Ressler, Chair (Mayor Appt, 7/17-6/21) Ken Walker, Chair (resigned)
Mickey Kostow (7/16-6/21)
Stuart Goldman, (Mayor Appt, 7/15-6/20) John T. Colby, Jr. (7/15-6/20, resigned)
Clora Kelly (Proposed, 7/17-6/21) Robert Ruttenberg (7/14-6/17, term expired)
Linda Adams (7/13-6/18)
Zoning Board of Appeals (5-year terms)
Timothy Hogue, Chair (7/14-6/19) Kirk Ressler, Chair (resigned)
Bob Ruttenberg (Proposed, 7/17-6/22), Marianne Chort (7/12-6/17, term expired)
Marian Brownlie (7/15-6/20)
Ken Walker (Proposed, 7/17-6/22) Vacant ()
Bridgford Hunt (7/14-6/18)
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
IV. Ways and Means (Financial Report and Review of Invoices)
(1) Review of current invoices
(2) Review of financial statements
(3) Review and approval of liability insurance coverage (see addendum for review) $22,151 due August 15, 2017.
***Email from Nicole Morton to John Colby, 7/25/2017***
Travelers is not interested in public entity property on the North Shore or South Shore of Long Island. They may entertain with a very high deductible and possibly a high wind deductible or wind exclusion. Travelers really would not be the right fit for the Village – based on the current coverages, exposures and current premium.
Attached are the polices that were sent in the policy book last month.
Let me know if you would like to discuss further.
Nicole L. Morton
Salerno Brokerage Corp.
117 Oak Drive
Syosset, NY 11791
[Editor’s note – phone and email redacted for web privacy]
(4) Letter from Supervisor James Dougherty regarding cesspool upgrade funding
V. Water Works Report (Current System Usage and Tank Upgrade Status)
Presentation and report by Hap Bowditch, Village Water Department Commissioner, and Jason Hime, Suffolk County Heath Department.
Year to date through July 31, 2017, the Village pumped 3,262,000 gallons of water versus 2,770,000 gallons for the same period last year, an increase of 17.8% or an increase of 492,000 gallons. 1,478,000 gallons were pumped in July alone an increase of 519,000 gallons in just one month versus the year before. (14 20×40 swimming pools)
***From John Collins to John Colby, 7/27/2017***
Dear Mayor Colby,
As a follow-up to our recent phone conversation, I am herewith providing a status update
for the Replacement of the Yoco Road Water Storage.
Regulatory Status:
The project documents are still pending approval from New York State Health Dept. We have been coordinating them through review and they recently
provided additional comments to plan. The third revision set will go out today.
Through the course of their review they are requiring a few items not considered in bid estimate. The first being fencing around the tank and the second being lighting on or near the tank and well building.
For the fence, we are proposing an eight foot high galvanized chain link fence with three strands of barbed wire. The fence will be placed around the perimeter of tank with adequate room inside for a lift. Two swing gates will be provided. I understand your displeasure with the barbed wire fence, however it is a requirement the State will not back-off of. There is the option of going with something a little more ornamental, (such as wrought iron or vinyl coating on link), but these will also be more expensive.
The lighting is a security issue. We are proposing motion lights at the tank and at well house no. 1.
Bidding Status
We have secured pricing for the construction of a tank, we bid two options. For a 120,000 gallon tank the low bid submitted was $498,820. For a 90,000 gallon tank the low bid submitted was $469,700. Based on the previous Board request, we are proceeding with the larger tank. Both bids were submitted by Statewide Aquastore of East Syracuse, NY. This pricing does not consider fencing.
Since we have not received final Health Dept. approval, we have held off on issuance of an award to contractor. He has verbally agreed to hold his price, but is starting to get antsy. At this point I feel confident the Health Dept. is not going to add anything else so we can proceed with the contract phase of the project including award and contract execution.
We also procured bids for the electrical work associated with the site, including the furnishing of a portable generator that can be used for either of the wells. The low bid submitted for this work was $148,700. Bids for this work were rejected as the Board felt numbers were too high. We will need to re-bid. In order to reduce costs the Village may consider installing a permanent generator instead of portable. The drawback here is it would only be available for one well.
The project received approval of a low interest loan from the NY State Environmental Facilities Corp. The loan is in the amount of $500K. Based on the low bids and our fees, the total projected cost of the project is approximately $750,000. This represents a short fall in the loan of $250,000. Laura, the previous Clerk, was looking into increasing the loan amount with the State, but I do not know how far she got with that before her departure. Without the increased loan, the Village will need to come up with the additional monies.
I will hold off on issuance of contracts until after Saturdays meeting in case you want to change anything. Please let me know if you need anything else. If you need anything else I can also be reached at [Redacted]
John R. Collins, P.E. LEED AP Senior Project Engineer
H2M Water
538 Broad Hollow Road, 4th Floor East, Melville, NY 11747
[Editor’s note – phone and email redacted for web privacy]
***End Email***
VI. Village Roads and Maintenance Report
(1) Jay Card to start work on Shore Road at the corner of Yoco Road to install drywell system to alleviate drainage problems.
(2) One new speed bump added in front of Stuart Goldman’s house.
VII. Report from MS4 committee and annual DEC filing update.
VIII. Report from Village Greens and Improvement committee.
(1) Beautification
(2) Village Hall improvement
IX. Community Report
(1) Historical Society House Tour this afternoon at 2 p.m.
(2) SIYC Champs Regatta, August 7 and 8. Clora Kelly will help transport competitors from their dock and will help with parking along Yoco Road with Kirk Ressler and Devon and Jay Cross.
(3) Menantic Yacht Club year-end BBQ. Sunday, September 3, at the Colbys.
(4) Resident Comments
X. New Business (Motion to Open New Business)
(1) Motion to enter Executive Session to Interview for Village Clerk;
Motion to adopt resolution by: __________________
Motion seconded by: _______________________
In Favor: ___________________________
Against: ___________________________
XI. Date for Next Meeting – Saturday, 2 September 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
XII. Motion to Adjourn
*Subject to Change