Trustees Agenda – August 8, 2020

Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees’ Meeting
August 8th, 2020, 9am

I. AttendanceII. Meeting called to order
III. Review and acceptance of the minutes from the July 11th meeting
IV. Ways and Means

A. Resolution to approve the abstract/bills to be paid
B. Audit update
C. Pressing housekeeping items from Vicki

V. Water Update
VI. Status of Litigation and FOIL requests
VII. Status of General Code
VIII. New Business
IX. Resolution to schedule a public hearing on September 19 th on a local law to provide for the codification of the local laws, ordinances, and certain resolutions into a municipal code to be designated the “Code of the Village of Dering Harbor.”
X. Resolution to schedule a public hearing on September 19 th on a local law amending the zoning law to revise the authority references, application requirements and notice procedures of the board of appeals.
XI. Resolution to schedule a public hearing on September 19 th on a local law amending Article X of the zoning law to update and revise the procedures of the ARB.
XII. ARB and landscaping issues
XIII. Request for cable replacement at 1 Sylvester Road
XIV. Reminder: the Village Election will be held on September 15 th at Village Hall from noon until 9pm
XV. Adoption of resolution identifying poll location and hours for the postponed village general election.
XVI. Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation matters.
XVII. Date for Next Meeting, the annual organizational meeting, is September 19 th
XVIII. Motion to Adjourn