I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Approval of the minutes from the December 8th meeting
IV. Motion to open the Public Hearing on the latest revisions to the Construction law
a. Read Kirk Ressler’s, Meredith Jenkin’s, and Stuart Goldman’s emails into the record
b. Resolution to close the Public Hearing until the next Trustees’ Meeting
V. Motion to open old business
VI. Ways and Means
a. Current invoices for review and approval
b. State audit status– need a capital fund with separate budgeting
c. Audit of 2017/18 update
d. Overview of tax payments collected as of Jan 11 th
VII. Facilities update from Patrick: Chloride levels are now below 80 in both wells; average pumpage was just short of 5,000 gallons per day in December. The old tank has been dismantled and removed and the new tank is fully operational. It has a circulator that the old tank did not. This keeps the water moving inside the tank, which prevents freezing and ensures that the treated water does not stratify. The SCWA will install a new test well near the corner of Manhanset and Dering Woods Roads the third week of January. It will take about a week to complete. The purpose is to determine definitively the depth of the salt-water barrier and the dimensions of the freshwater lens so that when new wells are installed, they can be placed with confidence within the fresh water lens. Our newest well (#2) was installed too deep in the aquifer, which accounts for the chloride problems we have experienced with that well. Meters for each residence will be installed and functional for next season. The work will take about 6 weeks. The start date has not been established yet, but you will be given notice and a detailed explanation of the process and rational in the coming weeks. In February I will prepare a more detailed report on the water distribution system that will include a project finance report for the tank, and plans and options for new wells, controls and necessary infrastructure. It will include options available for the Village to consider along with anticipated costs. The test results from the new test well, which should be available mid-February, will help define the options available to us.
a. Resolution to approve a test well
b. Resolution to approve two new wells
VIII. Status from Karen on codification program for laws
IX. Motion to open new business
X. Resolution to include a referendum on the upcoming ballot to change the election day to the
Friday of Memorial Day weekend
XI. Resolution to have a public hearing on March 2nd for law on accessory buildings
XII. Resolution to make Patrick Parcells Budget Officer
XIII. Acceptance of Bob Ruttenberg’s resignation as Treasurer: The Board of Trustees’ resolves to accept
XIV. Resolution to appoint Vicki Wesleck as Treasurer
XV. June 18th, 2019 Election update from Vicki; also records management grant
XVI. Request to George Butts for permit fees and guidelines
XVII. ARB meeting is today at 10am and ZBA meeting scheduled for April 6th
XVIII. Tentative assessment roll will be filed before February 1st using the Town assessments
XIX. Resolution to change the date for next Trustees’ Meeting to March 2 nd
XX. Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation and personnel matters
XXI. Motion to Adjourn