Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees’ Meeting
July 11th, 2020, 9am
I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Review and acceptance of the minutes from the June 13 th meeting
IV. Ways and Means
A. Resolution to approve the abstract/bills to be paid
B. Update on insurance– prorated rebate from Nov. 1st 2019
C. Audit for 2019/20 should be completed in August; resolution to request a 60 day
extension for filing the AUD report with NYS Comptroller (due August 1st) so we can
prepare it with audited data
D. Pressing housekeeping items from Vicki
V. Water Update from Patrick on new wells and water quality
VI. Status of Litigation and FOIL requests
VII. Status of General Code
VIII. Fees for ARB meetings
IX. Date for Next Meeting August 8th
X. Motion to Adjourn