Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees’ Meeting
June 8th, 2019, 9am
I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Approval of the minutes from the May 11th meeting
IV. Motion to open the Public Hearing on a local law amending on the construction law.
V. Motion to open the Public Hearing on a local law amending the zoning code to add a new #6-616 with respect to setbacks for buildings, structures and impervious surfaces for waterfront properties.
VI. Motion to open the Public Hearing on a local law amending articles V, VI & IX of the zoning code with respect to nonconforming buildings and structures on nonconforming lots.
VII. Motion to open the Public Hearing on a local law amending the navigation, surface water use and mooring regulations of 2012 prohibiting transient anchoring and living on boats at docks.
VIII. Motion to open old business
IX. Treasurer’s Report prepared with Charlene Kagel of East End Accounting Services
a. Bank reconciliation
b. Resolution to approve the abstract/bills to be paid
c. update on received taxes & reminder to pay by July 1st to avoid penalties
X. Resolution to renew our insurance coverage with a substantial savings from last year
XI. Ways and Means
a. State audit status
b. Nawrocki audit of 2018/19 fiscal year
XII. Water update from Patrick
a. Update on new wells
b. Metering update
c. Reminder that VDH water is not to be used for filling or topping up pools; you must use private well water or truck water in
d. Extension of short term agreement
XIII. Motion to open new business
XIV. New FOIL request received, need extra hours for Vicki to keep up
XV. Jasper Yang introduction
XVI. ARB working group
XVII. Election reminder: the election will be on June 18th, voting hours as 12:00pm- 9:00pm, polling inspectors will be Angela Corbet and Wade Badger. Note that I will be unreachable from the 18th through the 23rd as I’ll be in the Grand Cayon on a rafting expedition.
XVIII. The next Trustees’ Meeting, which will be an organizational meeting, is July 13th
XIX. Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation and personnel matters
XX. Motion to Adjourn