Trustees Agenda – November 10, 2018

Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees’ Meeting
November 10th, 2018, 9am

I. Attendance

II. Meeting called to order

III. Approval of the minutes from the October 13th meeting

IV. Construction law update: revisions made based on October’s public hearing, take comments from audience and note continuation of public hearing for December 8th

V. Motion to open old business

VI. Ways and Means

a. Invoices for review and approval
b. State audit status
c. Workers comp audit status

VII. Facilities update from Patrick:

a. Water update
b. Chris Johnson
c. oil tank for Village Hall
d. resolution declaring our truck and various small equipment surplus

VIII. Codification program for laws contract overview

IX. Update on 3 code revisions from October’s meeting—we have received notice that they have been filed with the state

X. Dates for Trustees’ Meetings; work times for Village Clerk, new check list for meetings

XI. Update on Town record management workshop

XII. ZBA meeting for October 27th postponed

XIII. Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation and personnel matters

XIV. Date for Next Meeting – Saturday, November 10th 2018 at 9:00 a.m.

XV. Motion to Adjourn