Trustees Final Agenda – October 13, 2018

Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees’ Meeting
October 13th, 2018, 9am

I. Attendance

II. Meeting called to order

III. Approval of the minutes from the September 8th meeting

IV. Public Hearing

A. Hunting law revision
B. Zoning violation fees revision
C. Construction law revision
D. Set back law modification for accessory structures

V. RFP opening 10am

VI. Move to open old business

VII. Ways and Means

A. Invoices for review and approval
B. Update on budget savings measures: no cleaning lady, change of phone service provider
C. State audit status

VIII. Water update from Patrick

IX. Reminder that with Richie’s retirement on Oct. 15 trash removal stops

X. Renaming of Shore Road update

XI. Codification program for laws

XII. Announcement re: Village Clerk position

XIII. ZBA meeting on October 27th at 10am

XIV. Resolution to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation and personnel matters

XV. Date for Next Meeting – Saturday, November 10th 2018 at 9:00 a.m.

XVI. Motion to Adjourn