Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees Meeting
AUGUST 12, 2023
9:00 AM
I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Minutes from the July 8th meeting
IV. Treasurer’s Report- Outstanding bills abstract- resolution to authorize payments
V. New Business
a. Request to approve off-street parking request from John Colby (5 Dering Woods Road) on September
b. Resolution to schedule a Public Hearing regarding the incorporation of the Shelter Island Fire Department.
c. Seasonal Construction Law Violations
d. Resolution to adopt NYS standards for record keeping
VI. Old Business
a. License Agreement for 6 South Street – Update
b. Improvements – Update
c. Drainage Improvements- Schedule
d. GBCC Irrigation Proposal- SCWA comments
e. Village Cocktail Party
VII. Legal/Litigation Update
VIII. Executive Session – Litigation/Personnel
IX. Date for next regular Trustees meeting- September 9, 2023
X. Motion to Adjourn