AGENDA (revised)
Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees Meeting
January 27th, 2024
10:00 AM
I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Minutes from the December 9th meeting
IV. Treasurer’s Report- Outstanding bills abstract- resolution to authorize payments.
V. Old Business
a. Resolution to schedule a public hearing for changes to Village Code related to speed limits, as recommended by Dunn Engineering Associates in the December 19th Traffic Engineering and Safety Report.
b. Resolution to schedule a public hearing on amendments to Village Code to provide for regulation of stormwater runoff on residential properties.
c. Status of storm drainage improvements.
VI. New Business
a. Resolution to schedule a public hearing on a local law authorizing a property tax levy in excess of the limit established in General Municipal Law Section 3-c for fiscal year 2024.
b. Resolution to authorize the adoption of an IMA with the the Suffolk County Planning Commission (SCPC) to specify matters of local determination that are not subject to SCPC review.
c. Election announcement: date of 2024 village election- Friday, May 24th
VII. Legal/Litigation Update
VIII. Executive Session – Litigation/Personnel
IX. Date for next regular Trustees meeting- March 9th, 2023
X. Motion to Adjourn