Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees Meeting
March 18, 2023
9:00 AM
I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Minutes from the January 7th meeting
IV. Treasurer’s Report- Outstanding bills abstract- resolution to authorize payments
V. New Business
a. Preliminary Budget Presentation
b. Resolution to schedule a Public Hearing to hear any and all persons either for or against the Annual Estimated and Tentative Budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024.
c. Public Hearing – Amend Local Law 180-9 to provide for emergency removal of trees.
d. Resolution to schedule a Public Hearing on a Local Law amending §30-3 of Chapter 30 (Planning Board) of the Village Code to designate the Board of Trustees as the Planning Board.
VI. Old Business
a. Historic Guidelines Discussion
b. Birman/Gubert Land Acquisition Public Hearing format
VII. Legal/Litigation Update
VIII. Executive Session – Litigation
IX. Date for next regular Trustees meeting- April 15th, 2023
X. Motion to Adjourn