Trustees’ Meeting Agenda – May 13, 2023, at 9:00 AM

Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees Meeting
May 13, 2023
9:00 AM


Meeting called to order

Minutes from the April 15th meeting and April 22nd Special Meeting

Treasurer’s Report- Outstanding bills abstract- resolution to authorize payments

New Business

    1. Financial Update
    2. Update on Village Improvements
    3. Resolution to retain The Raynor Group, P.E. & L.S. for analysis, engineering design, preparation of specifications, and construction monitoring for (3) new storm drains (Sylvester Rd, Harbor Lane, Locust Rd)
    4. Resolution to authorize repairs to the gazebo on Sylvester Rd.
    5. Resolution to reimburse payment of unnecessary permit fee

Old Business

    1. Public Hearing: Birman/Gubert Discontinuance of the end portion of South Street
    2. Public Hearing: LL amending Ch. 173 (Taxation)
    3. Public Hearing: Design Guidelines
    4. Reminder: Village Election- May 26th from 12pm to 9pm.

Legal/Litigation Update

Executive Session – Litigation/Personnel

Date for next regular Trustees meeting- June 10th, 2023

Motion to Adjourn