Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees’ Meeting
9:00 AM
October 9, 2021
I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Review and approval of minutes from the September 11th meeting
IV. Old Business
V. Treasurer Report – Outstanding Bills Abstract
a. Resolution approving paymentsVI. Litigation/Legal Update
VII. New Business
a. Announcements
b. Resolution: Village Clerk Paid Time Off
c. Resolution: Budget Modifications
d. Resolution: Authorizing Treasurer to close the 0246 Water District Capital
e. Reserve account and transfer all funds to the 0253 Repair Reserve account.
f. Resolution: Authorizing the Treasurer to transfer up to $30,000 from the 0139 Reserve account to the 0253 Repair Reserve account as necessary to cover invoices for Village Hall Repairs.
g. Water District leak policy
h. Resolution: Accepting the resignation of Alfredo Paredes as chair and ARB member
VIII. Executive Session – Litigation and Personnel Matters
IX. Date for next regular Trustee’s meeting – November 13, 2021 at 9:00 am
X. Motion to Adjourn