Trustees’ Meeting Agenda – September 10, 2022, at 9:00 AM

Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees Meeting
September 10, 2022
9:00 AM

I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Minutes from the August 13, 2022 meeting
IV. Treasurer Report- Outstanding bills abstract- resolution to authorize payment
V. Continuation of Public Hearing- Local Law to extend moratorium on demolition.
VI. Public Hearing on a local law amending 230-67 to clarify the time for ARB review, time limit and extension of approval.
VII. New Business

a. Special Event Parking requests Sec 230-8: Ashner for 9/18 from 11am-4pm at Village hall
b. Village Infrastructure Improvements
c. Discussion of revised Fee Schedule
d. Discussion of Ahearn Draft
e. Building Inspector

VIII. Old Business

a. Ethics Training Update

IX. Legal/Litigation Update
X. Executive Session – Litigation
XI. Date for next regular Trustees meeting- October 15th, 2022
XII. Motion to Adjourn