Trustees Preliminary Agenda – July 14, 2018

Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees’ Meeting
July 14th, 2018, 9am

I. Attendance

II. Meeting called to order

III. Village Election Results: (all two-year terms ending in 6/2020): Betsy Morgan, Mayor; Karen Kelsey, Trustee; Patrick Parcells, Trustee; 51 total voters

IV. Review and approval of the minutes of the June 16th meeting

V. Organizational resolutions:

A. Resolution to appoint a replacement to fulfill the Trustee term of Betsy Morgan ending on June 30th, 2019, followed by swearing in of the new Trustee
B. Resolution Approving the appointment of a Deputy Mayor
C. Resolution for the appointment of Village officers and officials as follows

Village Clerk, Treasurer, and Records Access Officer: Lisa Gilpin
Village Attorney: Wayne Bruyn, Esq.
Highway Supervisor: Richard Surozenski
Commissioner of the Water Department: Interim management agreement with the Suffolk County Water Authority
Village Fire Marshall: Arthur Bloom
Village Harbormaster: Charles Modica
Agent for Mailing Notice of Claim: Village Clerk Lisa Gilpin
Village Auditors: Nawrocki Smith LLP
Building Inspector: George Butts
Code Enforcement Officer: Arthur Bloom

D. Resolution determining the cost of bonding Village Officers to be a Village expense
E. Resolution waiving requirement for the Mayor and Trustees to post an undertaking
F. Resolution designating official Village bank and depositories to be Bridgehampton National Bank
G. Resolution designating official Village newspaper as the Shelter Island Reporter
H. Resolution setting dates and times of regular monthly meetings and adopting the rules of the open meeting’s law. (The 2nd Saturday of every month except for August: 8/18, 9/8, 10/13, 11/10, 12/8, 1/12, 2/9, 3/9, 4/13, 5/11, 6/8)
I. Resolution establishing procedures for the setting and notification of a special meeting
J. Resolution adopting Roberts Rules of Order as the official procedure of the Board
K. Resolution adopting the Village investment policy
L. Resolution adopting the Village procurement policy
M. Resolution authorizing payment of certain claims prior to audit
N. Resolution setting the Date of the 2019 organizational meeting to be July 13th, 2019
O. Resolution to renew our insurance; the new premium is just over $24k, a 9% hike due to the new water tank
P. Resolution to correct terms of the ZBA
Q. Resolution to correct terms of the Planning Board
R. Appointment of Chair of the ZBA for a one-year term
S. Appointment of Chair of Planning Board for a one-year term
T. Appointment of Chair of ARB for a one-year term
U. Appointment of ZBA member for a 5-year term.
V. Appointment of Planning Board member(s) for a 5-year term
W. Appointment of ARB member for a 3-year term


–the most popular new name is Harbor Lane
–implementation issues

VI. Old Business

VI. Ways and Means (Financial Report and Review of Invoices)

A. Invoices for review and approval
B. State audit status

VII. Water Works Report

A. Water tank project progress report
B. Well #1 progress
C. SCWA interim agreement overview
D. DEC violation from 2017

VIII. Village Roads and Maintenance Report

A. Speed bumps update
B. Repairs for GBCC road section
C. Curb cut applications/new law

IX. Community Reports

A. Status of Litigation brought by Tim Hogue and Marian Brownlie
B. C of O request for Sunshine

X. New Business

A. Marc Meire request for irrigation well
B. Resolution on locks for Village Hall
C. Village cocktail party – Saturday, September 1st?
D. Executive Session, litigation matters

XI. Date for Next Meeting – Saturday, 18th of August 2018 at 9:00 a.m.

XII. Motion to Adjourn