Trustees’ Revised Meeting Agenda – January 15 at 9:00 AM

Note: This meeting will be held via Zoom. Anyone who would like the Zoom link and info should contact the Village Clerk by email.

Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees’ Meeting
9:00 AM
January 15, 2022

I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Minutes from the December 11th meeting to be approved at the March 12th meeting.
IV. Minutes from the December 30th special meeting to be approved at the March meeting.
V. Executive Session – Litigation matters
VI. Old Business
VII. Treasurer Report – Outstanding Bills Abstract

a. Resolution approving payments

VIII. Litigation/Legal Update
IX. New Business

a. Announcements
b. Demolition Permit
c. NYSEFC Drinking Water Facility Note
d. Village Hall Repair Review
e. Village Water District Leak Forgiveness
f. Harbor Lane Seasonal Closing

X. Reopen public hearing – Zoning – Permitted Uses: Driveways and Parking
XI. Date for next regular Trustee’s meeting – March 12th, 2022 at 9:00 am
XII. Motion to Adjourn