Trustees’ Special Meeting Minutes – April 2, 2022

Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees Special Meeting
April 2, 2022, 9:00 AM (via Zoom) 

  • The meeting was called to order at 9:03am.
  • Attendance- Patrick Parcells (mayor), Karen Kelsey, Ari Benacerraf, Brad Goldfarb, Brandon Rose, Wayne Bruyn (village attorney), Vicki SHields (village clerk), Donna Ritzamnn (Tim Hogue’s stenographer, Susan Dempsey (SI Reporter)
  • A motion for a resolution to authorize payment of the outstanding bills abstract was moved by Karen and seconded by Brad. Patrick asked Vicki to add a $5,500 invoice from the village bond counsel. Vicki asked Patrick to forward the invoice to her so she can pay it. All Board members voted in favor.
  • Announcements
  • New Business
  1. Ahearn Engagement- Patrick has been identified as the person who is going to guide the village in deciding whether a preservation law for the village is appropriate. The process would start in early June when he comes for a walk and a Q&A. His fee is $10,000. Karen asked Wayne what happens if the village needs more time than the moratorium allows for this process. Would it be the same as establishing the original moratorium? Wayne’s quick answer was yes, the village would need to go through the same process. Brad asked when the moratorium ends? Wayne said from the date the law is filed with the Secretary of State, which was March 12th. Brad asked when the village should start the process of extending the moratorium. Wayne suggested 3 mos in advance, which is June.

A motion authorizing Brad Goldfarb to sign the engagement letter with Patrick Ahearn was moved by Karen and seconded by Ari. All Board members voted in favor.

  1. A motion for a resolution designating Village Hall, located at 23 Locust Point Road, as the 2022 election polling place on Friday, May 27th from 12pm to 9pm was made by Brad and seconded by Brandon. All Board members voted in favor.
  • Old Business
  1. Leak Forgiveness Policy. Patrick gave background on this issue. When the trustees adopted their water fee schedule, the trustees deferred to the SCWA for leak forgiveness. The thinking behind the conservation rate was to discourage people from using village water for irrigation, not to trap people into paying excess amounts of money for leaks that happen from time to time. Patrick said that the SCWA is considering changing their policy to include PVC pipes, but that has not happened yet. Patrick suggested that the village give this resident a 50% reduction on the conservation rate as it relates to the cost of their leak. In the event that the resident does not pay the new invoice, the full cost of the leak will become a tax lien on their property.

Karen asked if the village needs to adopt this as their policy and Patrick said no, considering that the SCWA is close to amending their policy to include PVC pipes.

A motion authorizing Patrick to send a letter to the resident in question and the SCWA advising them that the village is going to dismiss 50% of the conservation rate charges on the bill in question was moved by Brandon and seconded by Brad. All Board members voted in favor.

  1. 22 Locust Point Road curb cut. Dennis Corcoran came back before the board to discuss his request for a curb cut. Dennis asked for clarification on what the setback requirements are and what the board needs. He did do a revision and placed his driveway at 25’ from the property line and is prepared to show the board that. The trustees asked Dennis to move forward with the traffic study with his engineer. Patrick asked Dennis to have his engineer look at placement at 25’ and 50’, just in case that’s what the code ends up requiring. Patrick asked Dennis to come back for the April 23rd meeting and said a determination will be made then.
  • A motion to open the Public Hearing – Tentative FY 2023 Budget was made by Karen and seconded by Brad. All Board members voted in favor.

There were no comments from the public.

A motion to close the Public Hearing was moved by Brad and seconded by Karen. All board members voted in favor.

The budget will be voted on and approved at the April 23rd meeting.  Vicki asked if the budget line for cleaning of the village hall could stay the same or be increased. Patrick said yes and asked Vicki to send him what she thinks that line item should be.

  • There was no need for an Executive Session.
  • Date for next regular Trustee’s meeting – April 23rd, at 9:00 am.
  • A motion to adjourn at 9:28am was made by Brad and seconded by Ari. All Board members voted in favor.