Trustees’ Special Meeting Minutes – May 20, 2022

Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees Special Meeting
May 20, 2022, 9:00 AM (via Zoom) 

  • The meeting was called to order at 9:07am.
  • Attendance- Patrick Parcells (mayor), Karen Kelsey, Brad Goldfarb; absent- Ari Benacerraf, Brandon Rose; Vicki Shields (village cler), Donna Ritzzmann (Tim Hogue’s stenographer), Marian Brownlie
  • There was no outstanding bills abstract to authorize payment for.
  • New Business

The following resolutions for Budget Modifications were read:

A resolution authorizing an Expense Increase for line A868646- Computer and Internet from $2,000 to $3,000 was moved by Karen and seconded by Brad. All Board members present voted in favor.

A resolution authorizing an Expense Increase for line A141046- Legal Notices from $1,000 to $2,000 was moved by Karen and seconded by Brad. All Board members present voted in favor.

A resolution authorizing an Expense Decrease for line A132041- Bookkeeping from $6,500 to $3,500 was moved by Karen and seconded by Brad. All Board members present voted in favor.

A resolution authorizing an Expense Decrease for line A191043- Package (Insurance) from $12,500 to $10,000 was moved by Karen and seconded by Brad. All Board members present voted in favor.

A resolution authorizing an Expense Decrease for line A191047- Liability from $3,000 to $0 was moved by Karen and seconded by Brad. All Board members present voted in favor.

A resolution authorizing an Expense Decrease for line A97102- EFC Principal Payment from $6,500 to $3,500 was moved by Karen and seconded by Brad. All Board members present voted in favor.

Reserves Review & Replenishment- Patrick reviewed these numbers (see spreadsheet attached).

Tax Levy Authorization-  A resolution authorizing the village clerk to prepare the Annual Tax Levy in the amount of $218,625.13 and to prepare the tax warrant for Patrick to sign was moved by Karen and seconded by Brad. All Board members present voted in favor.

  • Date for next regular Trustee’s meeting and Annual Organizational Meeting– June 11th
  • A motion to adjourn at 9:16am was moved by Karen and seconded by Brad. All Board members present voted in favor.