Water Update – 8/17/2017

Hi All,

We located the valve from Locust Point Road by Bob Ruttenberg’s tennis court through to Dering Woods Lane. The cover is rusted shut but Hap will be able to open it tomorrow. We also shut the water off at Sunshine today. Water usage was running about 6,900 gallons per hour from 11 a.m. yesterday until the Sunshine shut off earlier today. During the shut off period usage was about 6,800 gallons per hour—not a significant change. However, usage is down from 8,340 gallons per hour on Tuesday through 5:30 p.m. when we took the reading.

When Hap can close the Dering Woods Lane shut-off valve from Bob’s tennis court, we’ll take additional readings. Hap keeps track of daily usage and I’ll report results as we conduct more tests. At least now we can isolate the Village into discrete segments. One last test will be to isolate the tank and main lines feeding to the shut-off valves. This will require an entire Village shutdown. If the pump is still running at 6,800 gallons per hour with all the main valves shut off, the usage problem is between the tank and main line shut-off valves.

The important goal is to reduce usage to take the pressure off of Well #2. We’ll switch back to Well #1 when Hap thinks it is appropriate to do so.

As a recap, the Village pumped on average 29,000 gallons per day in June; 48,000 gallon per day in July; and is now running about 165,000 gallons per day in August. Usage grew starting in May and continues to climb which indicates the problem is more usage than leak but certainly a combination after discovery of the Boylan leak.

We are working to schedule the leak detection firm in ASAP, but the problem is combination of usage, leaks, and pumping capacity.


John T. Colby Jr.
VDH, Mayor