Village of Dering Harbor
Zoning Board of Appeals
November 13th, 2021, 8:00am
● The meeting was called to order at 8:04am.
● Attendance: Alex Jackson (chairperson), Meredith Jenkins, Eric Deutsch, Marian Brownlie (who recused herself), Wayne Bruyn (village attorney), Vicki Shields (village clerk), Donna Ritzzmann (stenographer hired by Timothy Hogue), Brad Goldfarb.
● A motion to accept the minutes from the August 27th, 2021 minutes, with the revision of adding Devon Cross to the attendance list, was made by Meredith and seconded by Eric. All Board members present voted in favor.
● Consideration of a decision on the following matter:
(1) Timothy Hogue appealing the Building Inspector’s “Order to Remedy Violation” dated July 31, 2018, wherein it is alleged that an accessory off-street parking area was constructed without requisite permits on property located at 19 Harbor Lane (formerly Shore Road), SCTM# 0701-001.00-02.00-001.000. Eric Deutsch still had questions for Wayne regarding the decision that was drafted, in light of the letter that Mr. Snead submitted on October 29th, 2021. Even though it was received after the public comment period had ended, Wayne said that because it had come from the applicant’s attorney, the board can take it into consideration. For that reason, a motion to adjourn for the purposes of rendering a decision on this matter until the December 11th meeting was made by Meredith and seconded by Eric. 3 votes in favor, 1 abstention (Marian Brownlie). Motion passed.
● The next meeting date will be December 11th, 2021 and will be held via Zoom.
● A motion to adjourn at 8:12am was made by Meredith and seconded by Eric.