Village of Dering Harbor
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 29th, 2023, 9:00am
- Call meeting to order
- Attendance
- Review and acceptance of the September 10th, 2022 minutes
- Public Hearing to review the following application:
- Brian and Melinda Carroll
SCTM# 701-1-2-10.1
16 Harbor Lane
Application for variances from the provisions of (1) §230-36 in order to permit the construction of a new 576 sq.ft. detached garage with a 3’ setback from the northerly (side) property line where 30’ is required; (2) §230-37 in order to permit the construction of a new 576 sq.ft. detached garage with a 4’ setback from the easterly (rear) property line where 30’ is required; (3) §230-31A(3) in order to construct a new driveway leading to the new garage with a 4’ setback from the easterly (rear) property line where 25’ is required; (4) §230-31A(4) in order to construct an off-street parking area (court) with a side yard setback measured from Dering Lane of 4’ where 30’ is required; and (5) all other necessary relief on premises located on northeasterly corner of Harbor Lane and Dering Lane in the B-Residential District known as 16 Harbor Lane and designated as SCTM#s 0701-001.00-02.00-010.001 (026.000 and 027.000).
- Next earmarked meeting date (if needed)- May 13th, 2023
- Motion to adjourn