Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda – January 27, 2024, at 8:00am – 16 Harbor Lane and 4 Sylvester Road

Village of Dering Harbor
Zoning Board of Appeals
January 27th, 2024

I. Call meeting to order
II. Attendance
III. Review and acceptance of the November 11th, 2023 minutes
IV. Old Business

Acknowledge reopening of the following record for written comments.

Application of MELINDA CARROLL and BRIAN CARROLL for variances from the provisions of: (1) §230-36 in order to permit the construction of a new 576 sq.ft. detached garage with a 10’ side yard setback measured from Dering Lane where 30’ is required; (2) §230-37 in order to permit the construction of a new 576 sq.ft. detached garage with a 5’ setback from the easterly (rear) property line where 30’ is required; (3) §230-21B(4) in order to construct a new parking area as part of the driveway leading to and associated with the new garage with a 10’ side yard setback measured from Dering Lane where 30’ is required; (4) §230-21B(4) in order to construct a second off-street parking area with a side yard setback measured from Dering Lane of 3’ where 30’ is required; and (5) all other necessary relief on premises located on northeasterly corner of Harbor Lane and Dering Lane in the B-Residential District known as 16 Harbor Lane and designated as SCTM#s 0701-001.00-02.00-010.001 (formerly 026.000 and 027.000).

V. New Business- Public Hearing

Application of 34 SHELTER ASSOCIATES, LLC for variances from the provisions of §230-54c “Nonconformity Other Than Use” to reconstruct and expand a non-conforming garage by increasing the height by 3.6 feet, thereby increasing the encroachment under 230-12 from 294.94 cubic feet to 971.42 cubic feet, as shown on the plans and survey submitted with the application on a 66,008 sq ft. parcel of land located on corner of Havens Road, Nicolls Road and Sylvester Road in the B-Residential District known as 4 Sylvester Road and designated as SCTM#s 0701-001.00-01.00-022.000.

VI. Next meeting date- March 9th, 2024
VII. Motion to adjourn