Village of Dering Harbor
Zoning Board of Appeals
November 11th, 2023, 8:00am
I. Call meeting to order
II. Attendance
III. Review and acceptance of the April 29 th , 2023 minutes
IV. Public Hearings
1. Application of MELINDA CARROLL and BRIAN CARROLL for variances from the provisions of:
(1) §230-36 in order to permit the construction of a new 576 sq.ft. detached garage with a 10’ side yard setback measured from Dering Lane where 30’ is required;
(2) §230-37 in order to permit the construction of a new 576 sq.ft. detached garage with a 5’ setback from the easterly (rear) property line where 30’ is required;
(3) §230-21B(4) in order to construct a new parking area as part of the driveway leading to and associated with the new garage with a 10’ side yard setback measured from Dering Lane where 30’ is required;
(4) §230-21B(4) in order to construct a second off-street parking area with a side yard setback measured from Dering Lane of 3’ where 30’ is required; and
(5) all other necessary relief on premises located on northeasterly corner of Harbor Lane and Dering Lane in the B-Residential District known as 16 Harbor Lane and designated as SCTM#s 0701-001.00-02.00-010.001 (formerly 026.000 and 027.000).
2. Application of 34 SHELTER ASSOCIATES, LLC for variances from the provisions of:
(1) §230-4 Definitions of Accessory Building and Accessory Use and §230-9B (Interpretations) to permit an existing nonconforming garage that was accessory to a dwelling
that was demolished to remain on a lot without a principal dwelling use; and
(2) all other necessary relief as shown on the plans and survey submitted with the application on a 66,008 sqft. parcel of land located on corner of Havens Road, Nicolls Road and Sylvester Road in the B-Residential District known as 4 Sylvester Road and designated as
SCTM#s 0701-001.00-01.00-022.000.
V. Next meeting date- December 9th, 2023
VI. Motion to adjourn