Trustee’s Agenda – October 12, 2019

Village of Dering Harbor
Trustees’ Meeting
October 12th, 2019, 9am

I. Attendance
II. Meeting called to order
III. Review and approval of the minutes from the September 14th meeting
IV. Old Business
V. Water Update from Patrick
VI. Ways and Means: Treasurer’s Report prepared by East End Accounting Services

A. Bank reconciliation
B. Resolution to approve the abstract/bills to be paid
C. T&A account closing
D. Nawrocki Audit
E. Fire contract

VII. Appointment of alternates to the ARB and ZBA
VIII. Update on General Code from Karen
X. Status of Litigation and FOIL requests; educational Webinar
XI. Public Works update
XII. New Business
XIII. Land Preservation Partnership sign on Manhanset for Mildred Flower Herd preserve
XIV. Executive Session, litigation matters
XV. Date for Next Meeting – Saturday, 9th of November 2019 at 9:00 a.m.
XVI. Motion to Adjourn